How to extend the speed on the "Beeline"?

At the present time,the question: "How to extend the speed on the" Beeline "?". This is what we will touch on in our article. It seems that all Internet users are familiar with the situation when the speed is reduced to a minimum, and the need to use the Internet at this moment becomes the most urgent. What you need to know in order to protect yourself from the occurrence of such problems?

Remember: the decrease in speed is due to the consumption of traffic, and therefore expect it to rise in inaction there is no point. Moreover, when you urgently need to go online, you need to act!

to extend the speed to beeline

First steps

In order to quickly and guaranteed to extend the speed on the "Beeline", you can use a USB-modem, as well as an ordinary mobile phone. You just need to know how to do it right - everything is in your hands!

First of all, ask what is the remaindertraffic. To do this, dial from mobile * 102 #. Then you can start the procedure for extending Internet traffic. Depending on its cost and volume, you can choose the best option, in order to extend the speed on the "Beeline." These options are tailored to your needs. The company offers several possible solutions, each of which takes into account certain capabilities of the user.

It should be emphasized that when connecting"Highway" traffic extension is possible until the moment when the main traffic is not activated. At the same time, outside the Russian Federation, the use of an attached package is limited.

Speed ​​1 GB

How to extend the speed of 1 GB? To do this, you need to dial a combination of the following symbols and numbers: * 115 * 121 # and click on the call button. Also, you can get an additional 1 GB by dialing 067-409-32-31 from your mobile phone. For connecting options from the balance of your account, the amount of about 100 rubles will be written off. Tariffication of the service may vary depending on the package and the location of the subscriber.

to extend the speed on the biline to 3 GB

Speed ​​3 GB

What you need to do if you need to extendspeed on the "Beeline" to 3 GB? To connect this option, dial * 115 * 22 # from the phone and press the call button or the number 067-409-32-22. After connecting the option from your phone, the amount of about 200 rubles will be written off. After carrying out these manipulations, the speed will increase in accordance with the accepted request. More detailed information can be viewed in the personal account of the subscriber on the page "Prolong speed", see the photo of this application below.

The rate after the extension depends on your zone, which can range from 236 Kbps (for 2G) to 73 Mbps (4G). At the same time, for a 3G network, it varies from 14.4 Mbps.


Perhaps, this service is rightly considered one of thethe most useful options of "Beeline", as the speed of the Internet falls, as a rule, at inopportune moments! To permanently forget about this problem, users can use the service "Prodly speed" and calmly do what they like on the network, whether it's business, talking to friends or a remote (remote) learning system. After connecting this option, the system itself will connect for 15 rubles. Packages of 150 MB on the machine, immediately after the consumption of the main traffic.

Connect an automatic service in order toto extend the speed on the "Beeline" is quite simple. You just need to type * 115 * 23 #. After that, you will receive an SMS-notification that the service is connected. You can also dial the number 067471778 to activate the option of speed extension, having on the phone account the necessary amount of money.

to extend the speed on the biline

Users who have already activated thisservice, have managed to appreciate its advantages and recommend it immediately to those who are engaged in distance education or develop their own business on the Internet. Possibilities of the company "Beeline", indeed, are unlimited, and it is necessary to use the services and options of the provider competently, efficiently and rationally.

Attention: To disable "Auto-speeding" and to exclude additional, unclaimed traffic, use the command * 115 * 230 # or dial from mobile 0674717780, after which you will not pay for the unspent megabytes.

Convenient, right? I wish you success and hope our advice on how to extend the speed on the "Beeline" will be very useful.

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