Legal support

Legal support of the economy is one of themain directions of state activity. This sphere is considered the most capacious of all areas of social relations. The legal and regulatory framework includes both the non-material and material sectors. Regulation is carried out in different directions.

Legal support, above all, contributes tostrengthening the legal basis of market relations, the formation of administrative structures for state regulation. In addition, thus, the state participates in the production process, nationalization and privatization are carried out, and management is also carried out to develop certain sectors of the economy.

Enough vast territories of Russiacause differences in the scale and pace of social and economic development of certain regions. So, on the one hand, the introduction of market conditions in the economy provides for the formation of a corresponding unified space. On the other hand, the existing disproportions push for an increase in the autonomy and autonomy of the regions. In this regard, the state legal support of the economic sector is of great importance. To a greater extent, it is aimed at reducing the unevenness in the development of individual territories.

An important role belongs to the economiclegislation. It should be noted that it is endowed with certain priorities and tendencies. In connection with the obvious complexity, the legislation requires special, scientific reflection. This is necessary, mainly, for the formation of a theoretical basis for its subsequent dynamics.

Today legal support of economic spherein the country, as well as in many of its subjects is carried out through the use of adopted fundamental laws and many regulatory acts of regulatory nature.

The basis of the same problem today, according to manyspecialists, is to determine the relationship between the likely and real role of the legislative framework in the economic sphere of the regions. Legal provision in this sense is aimed at regulating the relevant relations within a particular subject. These relations, in particular, should be attributed directly to production (construction, industry), economic infrastructure, agro-industrial complex, credit, taxes, finances, budgetary relations. The tasks to regulate these areas are set before the state administration bodies of the country as a whole, and any of its regions. At the same time, when addressing specific tasks, the specific features of the territorial, social, national, cultural, and climatic character of the region are taken into account. These features greatly influence the direction of the content of legal regulation of all economic activity in a particular region.

Basics of economic activity are fixed inlegislation of the Russian Federation. The structure of the legislative framework includes the Tax and Civil Codes, laws on licensing, currency regulation, competition and other spheres. On the basis of constitutional provisions, the federal government establishes appropriate taxes and fees, legal uniform market bases. The legislative power at the same time carries out financial, customs, currency, credit management.

When forming a regional legalthe separate directions are concretized in a single channel with a federal regulatory framework. As components in the formation of legal means are the legal regulation of economic relations at the regional level.

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