The book of opinions and proposals should be in each organization

The book of comments and suggestions is a document,showing the quality of work of any organization. Once, in Soviet times, it was called a book of complaints. A strict commission came and immediately asked this magazine. If there were critical reports, they could have caused serious proceedings.

You will be surprised, but nothing has changed, onlynow this magazine is called "The Book of Feedback and Proposals". The design of this document has its own rules. It is included in the nomenclature (list) of the main documents of the organization. And if the activity of an institution, firm or enterprise is directly connected with customer service, then it simply has to be.

Making a book of comments and suggestions beginswith the fact that it is assigned the nomenclature number, the finished form or individual sheets are sewn together and stamped in the local office of Rospotrebnadzor. This is done so that they can not be pulled out and replaced. Yes, this is very serious. After all, the book of comments and proposals is still a document on the basis of which sanctions can be applied to the organization. For routine and unscheduled inspections, the prosecutor's office and Rospotrebnadzor experts demand that this document be submitted.

book reviews and offers
Therefore, the book of comments and suggestions is realA working form of influence on unscrupulous performers. When can I leave a record in the book? Anyone who is a customer of the organization can do this. Most often it is effective in shops or cafes, restaurants, if you are poorly served or you have purchased a bad product, in polyclinics, hospitals, kindergartens, schools and social service institutions. The most important thing is that the claims must be real and valid, you must leave your data and contact phone number. No inspection body will take up the case without confirmation. If it concerns shops, public catering facilities or any services, you will need to keep checks confirming that you really were in this place. Because, as practice shows, making claims to state institutions is much easier than for private companies, so any proof will not be superfluous.

The book of opinions and proposals should be presentedon the first request of the client. If you were told that there is no such document, you can safely threaten to write a claim to the consumer protection society or the prosecutor's office, or you can "

preparation of the book of comments and suggestions
from the cash register ", immediately call the police (they are obligedcome). The absence of this book is already an administrative violation, for which a rather large fine is levied, up to 30,000 thousand rubles. So if a consumer shows legal leverage, few are associated with him. We always hope for the ignorance of our citizens. For the most part, we are to blame for buying services and goods of inadequate quality. It's too lazy to be conscious, often do not want to communicate, but the more people will start defending their rights, the easier it will be to defend them.

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