Memorandum (sample) on violation of labor discipline: how to make it right?

A memo is an official document,intended to inform the immediate supervisor or superior organization about the events of the production process. Such events include the stages of accomplishing the assigned work tasks, the results of completion of specific works, as well as incidents or facts of violations in the workplace.

In order for this type of document to have a legalforce, the memorandum should be written without violating the requirements of the law. What does a memorandum (sample) look like about the violation of labor discipline compiled according to all the rules of recordkeeping?

report on the violation of labor discipline

General requirements for the preparation of a memorandum

Regardless of how oftendocument circulation of the organization applies a memorandum, the sample "On violation of labor discipline" should be in the personnel department. It is necessary to be guided by the following rules when drafting this document:

  • Memos are differentiated into external,intended for the information of higher organizations, and internal, that is, documents addressed to the immediate supervisor. The first are drawn up exclusively on the company letterhead with an indication of the date of compilation, the outgoing number, and is stamped with the organization's seal. Internal memos are enough to write on a standard sheet of office paper. To specify the date and registration number, is determined by the rules of the document circulation adopted by the organization.
  • The text of the document is stated in strict business form, without emotional statements, popular speech, obscene or ambiguous expressions.
  • When compiling,specific norms of the labor legislation, the provisions of the job description of the employee and other regulatory requirements that are violated or not performed by the employee during the production process.
  • For the most accurate assessment of thea memorandum note of the case should receive from the offender written explanations or draw up an act if the employee refuses to explain the reasons that led him to violate the labor discipline. An explanation (act) is attached to the memorandum. In addition, the recommendations for recovery for misconduct should take into account the personal characteristics of the guilty worker, the presence or absence of previously recorded violations and disciplinary penalties, the consequences of the committed misconduct.

report on violation of labor discipline sample

How does the memorandum start?

What mandatory details should contain a "cap" of such a document as a memorandum? A sample of "Violation of labor discipline" is given below. In the upper right corner of the form are indicated:

  • Information about the head, in whose name the information document is being written: position, full name
  • Requisites of the organization.
  • Information about the originator of the document: position, full name, organization in which he works.

Further, if necessary, in the left corner of the form is fixed the date of compilation and the registration outgoing number. The name "Memorandum on violation of labor discipline" is written below. Example:

Memorandum of Understanding

On violation of labor discipline

Head of the Department of RPT

Sinelnikova Jadwiga Stepanovna

Laboratory assistant of RPT

Igor Ivanovich Rushnikov

Structure of information in the memorandum

The approximate structure of the text of the memorandum and the order of presentation are as follows:

  • The ascertaining (actual) part, which contains a description of the disciplinary offense and the essential circumstances accompanying the violation.
  • The analytical part contains conclusions aboutconsequences resulting from a committed disciplinary offense. It should be noted that this section is made depending on the situation in which a memorandum on violation of labor discipline has been submitted. A sample document, as a rule, contains this part, but one can confine oneself to finding a misdemeanor and a recommendatory part.
  • Recommended part. Here the compiler can express his thoughts on the issue of the memorandum, as well as make suggestions on the elimination of the consequences of the violation of the production process, including the appointment of a disciplinary penalty to the guilty employee. The information stated in the final part should be purely recommendatory.
  • Position, full name, personal signature of the originator of the document. Date of writing.

report on violation of labor discipline example


Here is an example of what a memorandum (sample) looks like about the violation of labor discipline:

"Cap", the title of the document

Head of the Department of RPT

Sinelnikova Jadwiga Stepanovna

Laboratory assistant of RPT

Igor Ivanovich Rushnikov

Memorandum of Understanding

On violation of labor discipline

The ascertaining (content) part

I bring to your notice that on 18.01.2015, the assistant of the RPT laboratory Kotov Gennady Sergeyevich was absent from the workplace from 15.40 to 18.00 hours. The next day Kotov came to work at the beginning of the working day at 9.00 clock. Explanations about his absence in the workplace Kotov refused to give, no justification documents did not provide.

The act of refusing the explanatory is attached.

Analytical part (compiled if necessary)

Kotov Gennady Sergeyevich has been working in the RPT laboratory for more than three years. He always treated his duties in good faith, he had not previously had disciplinary sanctions.

The absence of an assistant in the workplace from 15.40 to 18.00 hours did not create significant difficulties in the production process.


In connection with the violation of labor discipline, I ask to make a note to the assistant of the RPT laboratory Kotov Gennady Sergeyevich.

Information about the originator, signature, date

Laboratory assistant RPT Igor Rushnikov


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