How much is the Schengen visa? Design nuances

Probably, there is no better occupation than traveling. And travel not only around the country, but all over the world. Obtaining a Schengen visa is perhaps the best opportunity to visit not one but twenty-seven states!

Unified visa regime

The concept of "Schengen visa" appeared in 1980the year when an agreement was signed between France, the Benelux countries and the Federal Republic of Germany. It canceled all checks on the common borders. Over time, several more states joined this treaty, thus forming a single space for different spheres of life. To date, the Schengen area includes almost all countries of the European Union. Schengen visa, the production time of which is only a month, gives the right to freely move through their territory. However, the first must visit the state that issued the visa (it is considered the main one). And then - where the eyes look!

how much is the Schengen visa

How much is the Schengen visa?

It is issued at the embassy of the country, which signed the agreement and is a participant in the Schengen zone. There are three categories of such visas:

1. A - transit, which allows you to stay only at the airport of the country for a transfer to another flight.

2. C - short-term. Allows you to stay on the territory of the state for no more than three months every six months. Mostly this visa is used by travelers, sportsmen and businessmen.

3. D - national visa. It is issued to those citizens who are going to spend more than three months in the Schengen countries.

how long does the Schengen visa

The most common category visa isC. How much a Schengen visa is being made depends on the country in which the embassy was filed. Although the package of documents is the same for all states, but there are also some small nuances. On average, the registration takes from a week to three.

Documents for registration

The list of documents to be prepared for obtaining a visa is as follows:

  1. International passport. Original, as well as copies of pages with previous visas, if any. The passport must still be valid for 3 months - this is one of the mandatory conditions.
  2. The passport of the citizen and a copy of all pages.
  3. Photographs 3х5 on 4х5 (2 pieces). They should be the same as for the passport desk, always fresh. Do them better right before submitting documents.
  4. A completed application form. You can either take the form at the embassy or download it on its official website. The questionnaire is filled in block letters correctly and legibly, mainly in English. It would be good to use the services of an experienced interpreter.
  5. Document from the place of work, where indicatedqualification, average income of the applicant and the period of leave. It is advisable to take with them a work book or contract. According to such a certificate, the financial situation is assessed, and without it a refusal can be received.
  6. It is good to have bank statements about accounts and deposits, which are also proof of the applicant's ability to pay.
  7. Return ticket and insurance policy - documents-guarantees of return from the Schengen zone. It is better to arrange the insurance in the embassy itself.
  8. Certificates of marriage, the birth of children.
  9. Any document that confirms that the applicant owns the property. This is another guarantee of a prosperous financial condition.
  10. Parental permission if the applicant is a minor.

obtaining a Schengen visa

How long does the Schengen visa take, depends on the workload of the authorized bodies. The application can be considered up to 20 days, after which you will be sent a response.

The price of the Schengen visa ranges from 35 to 90 euros. It all depends on the urgency. A visa that is approved within five days will cost 90 euros.

Refusal to obtain a visa

"How much is the Schengen visa?""This is a question that interests many travelers, of course, they can be understood, because there are situations when every day is on the bill.The processing time depends on many factors, in particular, on the availability and correctness of filling out all the necessary documents.

term for issuing a Schengen visa

Sometimes it happens that the long-awaited response from the embassy does not bring anything but disappointment. In other words, failure. There may be following reasons for this:

  1. Counterfeit documents.
  2. The information is not provided in full, in particular, no means of subsistence are indicated (reference from work, bank statements, traveler's checks, etc.).
  3. Suspicious behavior of the applicant.
  4. Criminal record.
  5. Incomplete form filled out.
  6. Violations of visa.
  7. The expiration date of the foreign passport has expired.
  8. The information is unreliable.

Do not get upset if the embassy sentrenouncement. A negative answer is not a cross on the "career" of a traveler or a businessman. Perhaps, on another occasion everything will go more smoothly, and the deadline for issuing a Schengen visa will be minimal. When there are no problems with the documents, and at the embassy someone just had a bad mood, you can try to apply again in a couple of days.

What are the types of failures

The fact that the applicant is denied visas is indicated by the ambassador's stamp instead of the visa itself. It consists of a combination of numbers (1-4) and letters (type of visa).

1 is the refusal of a visa (mainly for a year).

2 - you need to pass an additional interview.

3 - you need to refill the package of documents.

4 - lifelong failure.

For example, stamp 2 C means that the applicant needs to come to the embassy to clarify the personal data; 3 В - for transit visa it is necessary to deliver the documents.

Schengen visa terms of production

After a refusal, you can protest it or apply again.

Have a good trip!

The visa must be treated seriously and responsibly. After all, only one refusal can forever close the entrance to Europe, and leaving your dream unrealizable.

All documents must be in the original, the questionnaire must be filled correctly and correctly, and in the interview, only reliable information should be provided.

How much is a Schengen visa, in many respectsdepends on the specific consulate. Do not be intrusive and rude, even if the "fire" is on. It is better to return the tour, than to fall out of favor with the embassy and become a celebrated boor!

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