Administrative coercion as a measure of ensuring law and order

Administrative coercion is one of themeasures of state coercion. It ensures the protection of the public order. In addition to punitive functions, administrative coercion is aimed at preventing and preventing offenses. Its main goal is to ensure the law and order in the country, the security of citizens, the strict implementation of all rules of public conduct.

Measures of administrative coercion apply extrajudicially and relate tocompetence of individual executive bodies. These are district departments of internal affairs, control and auditing departments, fire protection, sanitary epidemiological departments, road inspections, district departments of town planning and others. But in some cases they can be used by people's judges to impose penalties for certain types of offenses.

Types of administrative coercion for targeted interventions are divided into three main groups: preventive, preclusive and disciplined.

The first is airport check-in(customs and police), the imposition of a restriction (quarantine) on entry and exit in some regions in influenza epidemics. This control and supervisory checks on any mode of transport, in public catering establishments, the destruction of harmful (poor quality) products at customs posts, supervisory control in district police departments for persons arriving from places of detention during the year, etc.

Intolerant administrative measures includethe actions of militia officers whose main goal is to stop illegal actions or prevent their consequences. To ensure the measure of restraint of the offense, the following means can be used. These are measures of direct physical influence, various special means (rubber truncheons, gas, water cannons, etc.), firearms, compulsory placement of the offender in the hospital, issuing orders to prohibit or restrict the work to eliminate violations, suspension of the license and even its withdrawal and etc.

Disciplined administrative measures are applied after committing an offense.

Administrative coercion It is strictly regulated by the state toto exclude its misuse and interpretation. Powers of bodies applying enforcement measures of administrative order are described in the Law on the Police, the Customs Code of the Russian Federation, the Town Planning Code and other normative sectoral documents.

State enforcement of administrativeorder has its own specific features. First, it can be applied to all categories of citizens. This is not only legal entities, but also physical (ordinary citizens). Secondly, administrative coercion is regulated by the rules of the administrative procedure code of the Russian Federation and serves to ensure law and order in the public sphere. Thirdly, administrative coercion is carried out extrajudicially through the administrative bodies of the controlling branch departments.

Coercion is expressed in the application of the following measures: penalty, seizure, confiscation, deprivation of rights, expulsion of the offender from the country, disqualification or suspension of activities. Moreover, the administrative measures of coercion are less severe in terms of the significance of punishment, unlike criminal coercive ones, and the method of applying them is more simple.

Since the process of proving an offense andThe inevitability of punishment contains far less procedural actions for controlling administrative bodies. But, however, the fact of the definition of the offense and the procedure for its execution are strictly regulated by procedural norms, is under constant prosecutor's control, whose main tasks are to ensure strict enforcement of all types of administrative coercion in accordance with the norms of the current Russian legislation.

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