Plagiarism - what is it?

plagiarism is what it is
Plagiarism - what is it? In simple words, this is the situation when someone took what you created yourself and appropriated authorship. Such situations are quite frequent, and even more so on the expanses of the world wide web. But this can and must be fought with. Let's consider different variants of plagiarism.

Plagiarism - what is it? It's stealing. And with theft you need to fight. And no one will do it better than you. First, put your name (the author's name) and the date above or under the article. The person who copied your material can no longer find an excuse, such as "I did not notice that this material has an author". However, plagiarism (what it is, everyone understands) can be pretty tricky and skilful. There was a case when author's materials were printed on one site, but without the authors' instructions and without dating. Maybe it was not necessary. And on the other authors exhibited and carefully selected the dates. In this situation, it is very difficult to prove one's rightness.

plagiarism songs
Among other things, your material shoulda copyright symbol is installed, and it is not worthwhile to fully publish the article. This will only facilitate the task of intruders. Just make an announcement - that will be enough.

There are different kinds of plagiarism. What it is - the theft of text, music or pictures - it does not matter. We need to protect our property, whatever it is. So if you place images or photos of "your own production" - mark them with a logo or a watermark. It is not uncommon now for the signatures at the bottom of the photo, which indicate the name and surname of the author or his site. By the way, Google created a special service, where images can be checked for plagiarism.

Is it possible to plagiarize a song? This is not such a rare phenomenon in our world. Perhaps a little less rare than the theft of texts. How many scandals rise in the sphere of show business, when someone from someone stole several notes or lines or they just turned out to be a little alike. However, if the thief is not so famous or the song from which these precious notes are stolen is also not popular, it is unlikely that this plagiarism will open.

check for plagiarism

However, one does not always need to reproach a person for plagiarism. It happens that he never heard the song, which he composed a kind of similarity. How can you learn and hear everything in the world? Whatever one may say, and someday, in a completely random way, you can copy the work of an artist or, inspired by his work, create something like his songs.

By the way, plagiarism does not always meet negativereaction. Years in the seventies somewhere beyond the seas was such a case: they announced a contest for creating a song dedicated to some significant date. They chose the winner, whose song was very much liked by everyone, even almost the anthem of the country they did. Everyone was happy, except for the winner. After all, as she later confessed after many years, she had a melody for a song from a Spanish guy. Later she found him and asked for forgiveness for this, to which he smiled, embraced her and said that if it were not for her sin, his melody would never have become so popular. After that the girl calmed down.

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