State duty on registration of the car: documents, stages, terms and cost

Many drivers are concerned about the state duty forregistration of the vehicle. The thing is that you will have to pay for the operation. This requirement is legal. Registration of transport in the traffic police is a paid procedure, which every driver will have to face. Nevertheless, recently it has become easier to register in the Russian Federation. We will explain how to do this. In fact, everything is pretty easy. And to realize the idea in life will succeed in several ways.

state duty for registration

About the timeline

Let's start with the fact that every car or otherA vehicle that will move along the roads of the Russian Federation must be registered with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Up to this point, the person is the owner of the car, but he can not ride it.

State duty for registering a carit is recommended to make a request before submitting a request. It is important to understand that the citizen is allocated 10 days from the moment of acquisition of property rights to register the vehicle.

As a rule, the realization of the assigned task through the traffic police should not take more than 1 hour. Registering a vehicle is a fairly simple operation, if properly prepared for it.

Where to go

Some wonder where you can getstudied service. In the traffic police! Registration (the state fee for the process is paid for by the applicant) is made at the place of residence of the owner. Or at the temporary residence of the owner of the car.

state duty registration of a car

Previously, you have to take the car off the register. Previously, this operation was carried out on the basis of the registration of the previous owner of the vehicle, but now the re-registration allows you to immediately remove from the register and again put the vehicle on the roads to it.

Through the Internet, too, will be able to translate the idea intoa life. In this case, you will have to use the portal "State Service". With its help, citizens are able to apply for registration and pay state fees for registration.


A rather important part of the process being studied is the preparation of documents for registration in the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. With proper preparation, this operation will bring a minimum of hassle.

So, the driver will have to prepare;

  • passport;
  • title documents;
  • application of the established form;
  • the passport of the car;
  • MTPL policy.

Also from the owner can demandtransit numbers. They are necessary for registration of vehicles imported into the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, temporary numbers are requested from people who bought cars in the cabin. Employees of the relevant center are required to issue the appropriate numbers when concluding the transaction.

gibdd registration of state duty

About the fee

What is the amount of the state fee? The registration of vehicles in Russia, as we have said, is a paid procedure. And it is desirable to deposit money into the treasury of the state in advance. Until the applicant pays a fee, his request will not be considered.

The amount of payment in 2017 is only 1,500rubles. This indicator varies from time to time. Accordingly, it is recommended to specify more precise information in the SAI before submitting the request for registration.

Registration certificate

After the realization of the idea, the owner of the vehicle will be issued and issued a certificate of registration at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. This document will help prove the legality of movement along the roads of the Russian Federation.

For him, too, have to pay. The state fee for registration, as we found out, is 1,5 thousand rubles. A new certificate of registration of the car will cost 200 rubles. Some sources say that you will have to pay 500 rubles.

Thus, on average the driver will have to pay about 2,000 rubles for the operation being studied. This is quite normal phenomenon.

state duty registration of cars

Additional expenses

Nevertheless, this is not all. Under certain circumstances, the driver-owner of the car will have to incur additional costs. They are also called duties.

For example, issuing state numberswill cost 2,000 rubles, changes in the vehicle's PTA cost 350 rubles. And, as it is not difficult to guess, issuing a certificate of registration will cost another 500 rubles. It is with such costs faced by many drivers.

Final state registration feewill be slightly less than 3 thousand rubles. Not too little, but not very much. Especially when you consider that the registration has no validity. The owner, constantly moving along the roads of his region, will not have to undergo re-registration.

Step-by-step instruction

Now it is understandable, so much is the state fee. The registration of the car requires certain costs. And every driver must be prepared for them. Especially this applies to those who bought a new car. In this case, the production of state numbers is required. And this action, as we have already explained, entails additional expenses.

state duty registration of the car

Below, we will talk about how to properly register a car in the traffic police. The registration is as follows:

  1. Identify the details of the State Traffic Inspectorate to pay the fee.
  2. Form a package of documents required for the operation.
  3. Pay the state fee. The registration of the machine is not free.
  4. Make all additional payments, if any.
  5. Submit an application to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the registration of the owner of the car.
  6. Send the car for inspection.
  7. Get all the necessary documents and government numbers.

As we have already explained, in total the processtakes no more than an hour. More precisely, it should be so. Time is counted from the moment of submission to the SAI of the request for registration of the car. Such a deadline was established only in 2013. Up to this point, the re-registration of vehicles took up to 180 minutes.

What get

Not everyone knows what papers should begive after the implementation of the idea into reality. The size of the state fee for registration is already known to us. You can pay it either in the bank or through payment terminals. The latter are installed in each department of the State Automobile Inspection, which greatly simplifies the operation.

Ideally, after registration of the vehicle, a citizen should be given:

  • certificate of registration;
  • all documents submitted by the applicant;
  • state numbers (2 pieces);
  • new PTS.

It is important to make sure that in the passport of the machineinformation about the owner was indicated. After all, a third party can file a request for registration. For this it is necessary to obtain a corresponding power of attorney from a notary. If the traffic police formalized the registration for a trusted person, you will have to point out to employees for their mistake. In this case, you do not need to re-enter the state fee. The registration of the car will be made free of charge, the necessary data will be entered in the documents.

Motor shows to the rescue

Progress does not stand still. And so every year, drivers are faced with more sophisticated methods of registering cars. For example, in car dealerships. This method makes life much easier.

Registration registration in this case deliversthe owner of a minimum of hassle. The certificate and the technical passport of the car, as well as the numbers for the car will be transferred to the auto show, and from there - to the owner of the vehicle. Everything happens very quickly.

amount of state registration

State duty for registration of a car inThis case remains the same, but some showrooms can ask for payment of their services. How much do you have to give in addition? There is no exact answer. Everything depends on the place where the vehicle is purchased. The main thing is that all payments are made before submitting an application for registration. Otherwise, the owner of the car will have to come in addition to the traffic police or the car salon with a receipt for payment of state duty.

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