Instructions for occupational safety and health: who designs what is contained

According to labor legislation, eachthe company must issue instructions for occupational safety and health (HSE) for each type of work. The head of the organization approves these documents, and the head of a subdivision whose subordinates perform certain work that requires compliance with safety requirements is required to develop it. In this case, it is important to familiarize with the approved documents of employees, to whose workplaces or tools these documents are attached.

The presence of IOT is strictly checked by representatives ofLabor inspection during planned inspections. In the event of an accident, in the first place, the inspector requests exactly the ITR for the workplace where the victim worked.


Safety and health instructionsare an important local document at each enterprise. Well-written instructions guarantee not only a reduction in the likelihood of injury, but also protection of workers from factors that can provoke the development of occupational disease.

Also, the ability to act in emergency situations allows not only to protect the life and health of employees, but also to preserve the employer's property as much as possible.

Development and approval procedure

In the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation there are special recommendations for those who are faced with writing similar local documents.

The development of each safety and health instruction is based on the use of several documents:

  • job description;
  • safety rules for a particular type of work or sphere of productive activity;
  • typical industry or cross-industry instructions;
  • rules for the issuance of soap and creams;
  • operational documentation for the equipment;
  • rules for the issuance of remedies;
  • technological maps.

Development begins with the signing of an order, where responsible persons are indicated.

instructions for occupational safety and health

Responsible persons based on the abovedocuments constitute a draft version of the future instruction, indicating comments and questions. After writing the instructions on health and safety, they are sent for initial coordination with a health and safety specialist. Then, if necessary, the heads of departments make the necessary adjustments. Secondary coordination is carried out with representatives of the trade union, if any.

Verify the relevance of the health and safety instructions should be planned every 5 years. Outside the plan, the review is subject to the following conditions:

  • changes in regulatory documents of the Russian Federation;
  • change of working conditions (the appearance of new equipment, new duties);
  • accidents at the workplace;
  • requirements of representatives of the Labor Inspectorate.

If nothing changes for 5 years, the revision consists in issuing a document on the extension of the action.

instructions on labor protection and safety in Kazakhstan


The paragraphs of the instruction on health and safety in Kazakhstan, for example, do not differ in any way from the content of a similar instruction in the Russian Federation:

  1. General information.
  2. Activities prior to completion of work.
  3. Requirements during the execution of work.
  4. Actions in emergency situations.
  5. Requirements upon completion of work.
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