Environmental rights and environmental responsibilitiescitizens is an inalienable element of the legal status of each person who spreads throughout the territory of the modern state. It is important to note that such opportunities or restrictions apply to foreigners and persons who have Russian citizenship, that is, citizens of the country.
Environmental rights and duties of citizensare fixed in the Constitution of Russia. The fundamental element of the legal status of this species is the human right to life - this provision is contained in Article 20 of the Basic Law of the Russian Federation. The human right to life is based on numerous acts of an international legal nature:
There are international international acts,which are taken by governmental organizations, usually one of the elements or departments of the United Nations. Along with them, there are regional legal acts that apply to a certain territory and are adopted by local authorities, for example, the Council of Europe.
Another source of this norm, on the basis of whichall environmental rights and duties of citizens were developed, the Declaration of Human Rights was adopted, which was adopted even before the formation of the Russian Federation as an independent legal state.
The basic environmental rights and obligations of citizens do not have the right to exist in the absence of a normatively fixed human right to life.
Environmental rights and environmental responsibilitiescitizens necessarily include the right to a favorable natural environment, which is contained in the basic legal act regulating the legal status.
Article 11 first of all describes"A favorable environment". This is such an environment, thanks to which natural functioning of natural objects, ecosystems, animal species, plants and so on is preserved. The natural environment should also be the basic basis for the development of natural ecological objects, and also meet all established standards that are called upon to ensure the safety of the health and life of citizens, flora and fauna. The state of a favorable natural environment must meet the standards that determine the degree of its environmental sustainability, purity, diversity of species, and natural wealth in general.
Environmental rights and environmental responsibilitiescitizens are observed under the condition that all the required standards are met (established in Article 20 of the Federal Law "On the Environment"), the system of which is as follows:
There are also standards that protectenvironmental rights and duties of citizens of the Russian Federation, without having a direct link to the environment. Primarily this group of standards is associated with the work done, services in the sphere of environmental protection. Also, there are restrictions related to economic activity and its subsequent negative impact on nature. A separate type of control standards is the activity of issuing licenses for a certain type of work related to active interaction with the environment.
Environmental rights and environmental responsibilitiescitizens as an obligatory element provide for the right of the inhabitants of the state to information about the environment, as well as its state. The Main Law of Russia states in Article 24 that every citizen of the country has the right to acquaint himself with those materials that directly affect his rights and freedoms, whether it is a local regulatory act or an act of law enforcement nature, for example, a court decision.
It is important to note that such environmental rightsand the duties of citizens are a worthy indicator of the development of the modern state, as a few decades ago all the environmental problems that had ever existed in the country were surrounded by an unshakable veil of secrecy. At the moment, the situation is completely opposite meaning, as the Constitution of the Russian Federation entrusts officials with legal responsibility for concealing circumstances and facts that pose a threat to the health and life of citizens.
Another aspect of the right to information isprotection and full access to information on the consequences of environmental accidents; disclosing information about the safety of the affected community and so on. Information of this kind can not carry the status of "information constituting state. secret ", respectively, and access to them can not be limited. Previously, the information described above was labeled "For official use". Since these categories of documents are available only for certain categories of officials, there could be no question of ensuring full and open access to this information for all citizens.
Environmental rights and duties of citizens brieflyare regulated not only by the Constitution, but also by other NPA, including the Law on Information, which provides for the following ways of exercising the right to information:
Environmental rights and duties of citizens of the Russian Federation are enshrined in the Constitution of the state and provide for the equally important right of every citizen - the right to apply to a court to protect rights and freedoms.
This power is granted for the purpose of:
Another element that includesenvironmental rights and duties of citizens of the Russian Federation, is the right of citizens to compensation for damage that was received in connection with the commission of an environmental violation. This power is fixed in Art. 42 of the Constitution of. In turn, the right to compensation for damages is more fully presented in the Federal Law "On the Environment", which states that any person in the event of damage to the ecological system is obliged to compensate for the damage caused in full. The result of causing harm can be expressed as:
Environmental rights and duties of citizens of the Russian Federationsay that the damage caused as a result of economic activities or other activities is calculated according to certain rules. Depending on the region, it can be calculated according to the approved fees or by other methods of calculating damage to the natural environment. If there are none, then the unit is taken as the amount necessary to recover the real costs of restoring nature. In this case, losses incurred and lost profits can also be taken into account.
Compensation can be paid as voluntarily,so in accordance with the decision of the Supreme or Arbitration Court of the subject. All issues related to compensation for harm, as well as other environmental rights and obligations of citizens are regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On the Environment", the Criminal Code and the Administrative Code, as well as other NAP.
Mainly environmental rights and responsibilitiescitizens of the Russian Federation are briefly represented in the Constitution of the state. This normative document, along with other opportunities and as one of the rights, proclaimed the right of citizens to establish public associations, foundations and other non-commercial organizations that are authorized to carry out activities to protect the ecological environment.
The purpose of creating such organizations is the protection ofnatural environment from illegal encroachment by both other organizations and individuals. Moreover, such organizations are one of the forms of exercising public control over observance of environmental legislation. These organizations also have the right to apply to the court in order to suppress offenses and impose an obligation to eliminate property damage.
The legal status of every citizen of the countryincludes not only rights, but also certain duties. Environmental rights and duties of citizens and their associations, along with the right to a favorable environment, include the obligation to preserve it.
Duties are imposed by the state and arewith a certain rule of conduct. The imposition of a rule of conduct is associated with the needs arising in society and the need to regulate specific social relations. General characteristics of environmental rights and duties of citizens include responsibilities for the rational use of natural resources, responsibilities for restoring the damaged ecology of flora and fauna, preventing environmental violations, and so on. The main list of duties of citizens of Russia is as follows:
Execution of assigned dutiesis provided with sanctions, which are also established by the state. In case of violation of the legal norm, sanctions are imposed on the citizen either by imposing an administrative fine or by bringing to criminal responsibility. Any measure of liability is imposed by a decision or a court verdict.
Interconnection of environmental rights and dutiescitizens in the first place is expressed in the fact that together these elements form the legal status of each citizen in the sphere of the natural environment. This concept, secondly, is an integral part of the general legal status of each citizen of Russia and foreign citizens, stateless persons and so on.
In addition, it is important to note that any rightcitizen is a duty of the state, non-fulfillment of which entails measures of legal responsibility applied to officials. Exactly the same as the failure of a citizen to fulfill the obligation entitles the state to apply the sanctions prescribed by law.
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