glaucoma surgery, glaucoma causes,

Glaucoma is a chronic disease andis classified by specialists as heavy. Its characteristic feature is increased intraocular pressure. He can sometimes drop, but can constantly and invariably remain high. The consequence of this disease is the drop in visual acuity, the accuracy of perception disappears, the review is broken. At the initial stages of the development of the disease, glaucoma does not cause any unpleasant sensations to the patient, so it can only be diagnosed by an ophthalmologist conducting an examination. With the diagnosis of "glaucoma" operation is inevitable.

Causes of glaucoma
Until now, the exact causes of glaucomano. But there are a number of factors that influence the development of the disease. Often, the disease affects people aged forty years. And the older a person becomes, the more likely the development of this disease. Another such factor is a similar illness in relatives. But nevertheless at the diagnosis of a glaucoma of the reason search among set of factors. it
- diseases of the cardiovascular system,
- Previously transmitted eye disease,
- trauma, bruises of this part of the face,
- operations performed on the eyes,
- Diabetes mellitus.

If there is at least one of the factors that can provoke the diagnosis of "glaucoma", there is an occasion to consult a doctor for a detailed examination.
The most common question that worriespeople with a diagnosis of "glaucoma" - the operation is inevitable? Unfortunately, yes, only surgical intervention will help cure the disease. There is still no other way out of glaucoma. And those lekartsvennye funds that are available, only slightly reduce the signs of manifestation of the disease, but do not get rid of them permanently.

Symptoms of glaucoma
This disease in the early stages of no selfdoes not exhibit. Only with some forms of glaucoma can there be increased lacrimation, acute reaction to light or pain in the eyes. After feeling any of the symptoms, you need to see a doctor for examination. For the most part this disease affects people in mature and old age, therefore it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations at least once a year. In addition, the importance of these examinations is that the doctor will immediately be noticed by anything that does not manifest itself in the early stages of glaucoma. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the greater the probability of success in treatment. With the diagnosis of "glaucoma" surgery is the method of treatment that has good results.

Surgical intervention
This disease is not subject to complete cure,as it is chronic. The use of a drug against glaucoma can reduce intraocular pressure, but does not stop the development of the disease. And thanks to the surgery, you can keep good eyesight.

At this stage of medical development,Laser operations are known to be qualitative and effective. After they are carried out, a stable and good result is obtained, while the entire traumatism of the eye is reduced to a minimum. This operation takes a little time, and the laser itself acts on the eye of a second.
With the diagnosis of "glaucoma", the operation is inevitable, but it allows to achieve positive dynamics in the treatment of the disease, persistent results, and most importantly - to keep the vision.

Glaucoma is a serious chronic disease,the treatment of which must be carried out immediately. As a rule, drug treatment does not give stable positive results. Therefore, it is more expedient to resort to laser surgery. Treatment procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis and takes several minutes. Postoperative effects are minimal, and intraocular pressure returns to normal, and all indicators are normalized.

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