Non-nosening atherosclerosis of the BCA - what is it?

The brain and the right side of the humeral bodyare supplied with blood by means of a large vessel - the brachiocephalic trunk. Any violation in his work threatens human life. Particularly difficult is non-stenosing atherosclerosis of the BCA. What it is, what symptoms the disease accompanies, you will learn from today's article.

Anatomical reference

Under atherosclerosis is commonly understood aschanges in the walls of the vessels, which are accompanied by the appearance of fatty deposits on them. Depending on the area of ​​the lesion, several types of this disease are distinguished. At the same time, due to certain physiological characteristics, some vessels are more susceptible to these changes. A striking example are the brachiocephalic arteries (BCA). To understand the mechanism of the development of the disease, it is necessary to go a little deeper into the anatomy.

non-stenotic atherosclerosis

The brachiocephalic trunk is largethe main vessel. It is represented by three extracranial arteries: vertebral, subclavian and somnolent. Their interlacing form the Willis circle. Circulating blood on it provides continuous nutrition of the brain. If an obstruction in the form of an atherosclerotic plaque forms on one of the sections of this blood flow, there is a danger for the entire brain functioning. Sometimes such deposits, consisting mainly of fat and connective tissue, lead to the development of hypoxia and even stroke.

In modern medicine, it is customary to consider 2 variants of this pathology:

  1. Non-nosening atherosclerosis of the BCA. Fat deposits are located longitudinally in the arterial bed. They do not clog the lumen of the vessel completely. However, significantly reduce the rate of blood flow. The prognosis for recovery in this disease is favorable.
  2. BSA stenosing sclerosis. In the lumen of the vessel plaques are formed in the form of tubercles. They quickly increase in size. As a result, the lumen of the vessel can be completely blocked. In this case, they talk about the development of a stroke.

In today's article, we will dwell in more detail on the first version of the pathological process.

Brief description of the disease

Non-nosening atherosclerosis of the BCA ischronic disease of the blood arteries, caused by the deposition of plaques within the channel of the vessels. Mostly it affects men over 50 years. However, in recent years, the pathological process is increasingly diagnosed among young people.

Atherosclerosis, which affects the vessels of the brain,necessarily reflected on the work of the whole body. The resulting cholesterol plaques gradually reduce the lumen of the blood flow. This, in turn, negatively affects the ability of blood to be transported through the vessel. As a result, the brain begins to experience deficiency of oxygen and nutrients.

Long-term starvation leads to the formation of"Traffic jams" in the brain tissue. Mostly they accumulate in the cerebral cortex and in the basal nodes. As a result, the activity of nerve cells is suppressed. This negatively affects the ability of the ill to fully think.

non-stenotic atherosclerosis of extracranial brachiocephalic arteries

The main causes of the violation

Non-nosocomial atherosclerosis of BCA most oftendevelops due to malnutrition. Active growth of plaques provokes excessive content of cholesterol, simple carbohydrates and animal fats in food. Also, the abuse of table salt affects negatively.

The exact factors leading to the development of the disease,are unknown. However, the doctors managed to identify a whole group of so-called provocateurs. Their presence in the daily life of a person speeds up the process of plaque formation. First of all:

  1. Smoking. The pernicious habit slows down the metabolism, reduces the elasticity of the tissues of the vessels and promotes the appearance of bouts of high blood pressure.
  2. Hypertension. The initial manifestations of non-stenotic sclerosis of BCA usually appear on the background of persistent hypertension of type 1 or type 2.
  3. Uncontrolled use of contraceptive pills.
  4. Related diseases (diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency states, metabolic disorders).

Nonstaing atherosclerosis of the extracranialBrachiocephalic arteries with stenosis develops in the absence of competent treatment. That's why when you have the initial symptoms of ailment, you should immediately seek medical help.

non-stenotic atherosclerosis of extracranial brachiocephalic arteries

Clinical picture

The disease begins its development from the appearance ofdizziness. This symptom may indicate other pathological processes in the body. But with atherosclerosis the brain is forced to constantly experience oxygen starvation, which also manifests itself in a violation of coordination. Other internal organs can be for a long time without nutrients. The brain immediately reacts to the lack of oxygen, giving different signals.

Nonstonous atherosclerosis of the mainarteries of the head without hemodynamic significant stenoses difficult to identify. Most often it is dizziness that indicates health problems. Sometimes the clinical picture is supplemented with neurovascular disorders. They are manifested in the form of increased irritability, noise in the head, insomnia. In other respects, pathological changes pass unnoticed.

non-stenotic atherosclerosis, what is it?

Diagnostic Methods

If there is a suspicion of non-stenotic atherosclerosiscarotid arteries, which belong to the brachiocephalic group, patients turn to the neurologist. This specialist conducts differential diagnostics. In case of confirmation of the disease, he sends the patient to the cardiologist. This doctor deals with treatment of vascular pathologies.

For the diagnosis of atherosclerosis today to allpatients without exception are assigned duplex scanning of the arteries. During the procedure, a specialist can examine and assess the condition of large and small blood vessels surrounding the tissues. Also, the physician visualizes the intensity of the blood flow at any part of his journey.

Additionally, standardclinical and laboratory studies. After studying the picture of the disease, the patient's history and the results of the examination, the doctor confirms or refutes the preliminary diagnosis. Then therapy is prescribed.

 non-stenotic atherosclerosis of brachiocephalic arteries

Features of treatment

From what stages does therapy consist in the diagnosis"Non-stenosing atherosclerosis of brachiocephalic arteries"? Treatment of the disease doctors advised to begin with a review of the regime of work and rest. It is necessary to eliminate all stressful situations, reduce workloads, add hours of sleep. Physiotherapy will also benefit only. It is better to refuse from pernicious habits in the form of smoking, overeating and alcohol abuse. Special attention should be given to diet. About it in more detail will be told just below.

The next step is to applymedicinal preparations. The main purpose of their use is to stop the unpleasant symptoms that accompany non-stenotic atherosclerosis of the extracranial brachiocephalic arteries. The treatment is selected by the doctor taking into account the results of the patient's tests. For example, to improve the flow of blood through the vessels attributed "Actovegin" or "Curantil." With severe headaches, spasmolytics are indicated. In order to slow the absorption of cholesterol, they resort to the help of "Questran" or "Tribusponina".

A beneficial effect on the work of the body is provided by various physiotherapy procedures. No less useful rest in sanatoria.

non-stenotic carotid atherosclerosis

Recommended diet

One of the main causes of developmentnon-stenotic atherosclerosis is the accumulation of cholesterol in the body. Adjust the level of this substance is helped not only by medications, but also by changing the diet.

First of all, you must give up fattymeat, smoked products and canned food. It is better to refrain from eating salt in large quantities. The daily diet should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat, seafood. Compliance with such a diet, even for 14 days, significantly reduces the cholesterol in the blood.

non-stenosing atherosclerosis of the main arteries of the head

What is the danger of ailment?

Nonstonous atherosclerosis requirestimely and quality therapy. Otherwise, the pathological process will continue to progress. As a result, it can lead to the development of already stenosing arteriosclerosis, when cholesterol plaques cover the cavity of the vessel by more than 50%.

It is in brachiocephalic arteries that fatdeposits accumulate fairly quickly. An increase in their number entails not only impairment of brain activity, but also the appearance of microscopic hemorrhages, expressed thromboembolism.

Methods of prevention

To prevent non-stenotic atherosclerosis of extracranial arteries responsible for blood supply to the brain, it is enough to follow the recommendations below:

  • daily load the body with physical activity (classes in the gym, hiking, hiking);
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • to observe a mode of work and rest;
  • abandon the addictions;
  • Healthy food.

Compliance with such rules allows not only to minimize the risk of developing the disease, but also to reduce the likelihood of complications arising from the already existing problem.

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