Treatment of cervical erosion by radio waves: the features of the process

Erosion damage to the cervix isAn unpleasant disease that can have very serious consequences. It requires careful examination. It is possible to distinguish various effective methods of treating cervical erosion. In this case, it is first desirable to learn about the symptoms and causes of the disease. It should be noted that popular methods are cryodestruction, laser coagulation and radio wave treatment.

methods of cervical erosion treatment
The cause of the problem can beexcessive mechanical impact on the outer sheath of the cervix, which occurs during abortions, traumatic births, gross sexual contacts. In addition, the causes of the onset of the disease can be classified as genital tract infections and their incorrect treatment.

As for the symptoms, erosion maydoes not manifest itself. In extreme cases, a woman may have pain during a sexual act, which may be accompanied by bloody discharge. If the disease is at an early stage, then it is most often treated conservatively. If it is already started, then erosion of the cervix is ​​performed.

Regardless of which method will be proposed,treatment should be comprehensive and thorough. First of all, it is necessary to stop the inflammatory process in the vagina and the cervix. For this, medicinal preparations are used. It should be noted that the treatment of the disease in girls who still had time to give birth, it is desirable to conduct only a conservative way, without the use of surgical methods. For example, polychromatic light having a wide optical range can be used.

removal of cervical erosion
In most cases, operationalintervention. Effective is the treatment of erosion of the cervix by radio waves. This method is the last achievement of medicine. For the operation, the "Surgitron" device is used. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the treatment of the affected tissues is carried out by the energy of radio waves, while the damage to tissue and outer shells is reduced to almost zero.

Treatment of cervical erosion by radio waves is popularalso because the burn of tissues is almost completely excluded. After using the method, there is no scars or scabs left on the neck, the treated area quickly heals, and the recovery period of the patient is significantly reduced. The procedure is very fast and the woman can go home within an hour.

treatment of cervical erosion by radio waves
Treatment of cervical erosion by radio waves has certain contraindications:

- presence of oncological diseases;

- the presence of inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs;

- established intrauterine device;

- Pregnancy;

bad blood clotting;

elevated body temperature.

Follow the procedure from the fifth to the tenth day of the cycle. The fact is that during this period the treated area will heal faster.

Treatment of cervical erosion by radio wavesprohibits sexual contact. It lasts about 30 days after the treatment of the affected area. Also, do not go to the pool, bath, take a bath for the next 10 days. A woman may have a couple of days of souring. To begin preparation for pregnancy is allowed already in a very short time - 30-45 days after the problem is eliminated.

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