Express weight loss: the best diet

There are situations when it is very urgentlose weight. I want to buy a beautiful dress, look beautiful at a party, hide the traces of a visit from caring relatives, and many more "I want to" ... And anyway, be slim - the desire of any girl.

For such purposes, and were invented express dietsfor weight loss. Their difference is that this is a quick but short-lived effect. Yes, you will get a slender waist for a couple of days, but it will not last for long if you do not support it by changing the diet. Another feature of such diets in the absence of any out-of-the-way products. Everything can be bought in an ordinary store and not for "rabid" money.

Express weight loss on the "Jockey" diet

This is a meat diet.

Day one - one baked chicken without salt and without skin. Eat it is necessary in three prisesta, that is, to stretch for the whole day.

The second day - 300 grams of baked veal in the same proportions.

Day three - do not eat anything, but you can drink coffee (4-5 mugs without sugar).

Result: minus 3-5 kg, not for long, during all three days there will be weakness and dizziness.

Express weight loss with a chocolate-coffee diet

Quite a complicated diet, which is forbidden to those who suffer from problems with blood pressure. This will have a bad effect on your condition, such a risk is not justified.

During the day, only a few cups of black coffee without sugar and a tile of bitter chocolate. Calculated this rapid weight loss, too, for 3 days.

Result: minus 3-5 kg.

Kefir diet for rapid weight loss

The basis is kefir. You can add the following products to it:

first 3 days - boiled rice;

the second 3 days - chicken cooked meat,

the third 3 days are apples.

The duration of such a diet is 9 days.

Result: minus 3-6 kg, normalization of digestion due to kefir.

Express weight loss on buckwheat diet

Within 1-2 weeks we eat only the followinga dish: we wash in the evening a glass of buckwheat groats, pour over the boiling water for the night and cover, in the morning we eat it. Without salt, oil, seasonings. Add to this diet can be green tea, kefir, herbal decoction.

Result: in a week - minus 3-4 kg, after another week - minus another couple kg.

Watermelon diet - a summer version of express weight loss

Watermelon helps a lot out of the body. Follow the diet for 5 days.

Breakfast - any porridge with a piece of cheese. Without oil.

Lunch - stewed vegetables with boiled meat.

Dinner - watermelon (30 kg of weight - 1 kg of watermelon).

Result: minus 5 kg.

Heavy Diet

Like many other diets for fast weight loss, this method guarantees a result of minus 5 kg per week.

Breakfast - boiled egg and tea without sugar.

Lunch is a small piece of boiled meat / fish and a salad of raw vegetables, seasoned with lemon juice.

Supper - herbal tea.

Unloading diet for fast growing thin

The diet is based on starvation.

First day: breakfast - freshly squeezed juice or herbal tea;

lunch - stewed vegetables, raw fruits, dried fruits, nuts, greens (to choose from);

dinner is fruit (not bananas!).

There is a mandatory until 7 pm. After seven, only unsweetened green or herbal tea, water, vegetable juices. You can take a hot bath for the night.

The second day: do not eat anything, just drink water. Drink a day 4 liters. Most likely, there will be dizziness and general poor health. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice.

The third day: in the morning you can only drink a glass of herbal tea, then a couple of hours later a glass of juice, for lunch - a salad of cabbage and carrots with herbs, until 7 pm allowed fruit. After seven, only tea and juice.

If once a month to arrange such unloading days, it will be good to maintain weight loss.

Every such express slimming is seriousa test for your body and even will power. Remember, too, that it is short-lived, and then you will have to radically change your eating habits, do not rush immediately after the end of the diet to the store for biscuits and cakes. Good luck!

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