Than to lift a hemoglobin? A few tips and recipes

Each of us should take care of ourhealth. Have you ever noticed weakness during the whole day, inability to focus even on a simple task, lack of strength to perform physical exercises, a general state of fatigue? If yes, then with a high probability of your body lacks iron contained in the blood. In this case, the question of how to raise hemoglobin will be especially relevant for you.

than raise hemoglobin
Doing this is really necessary, because the consequences of the symptoms described above can be deplorable.

Anemia, or Than to raise a hemoglobin

In people, this disease is often calledanemia. Officially - it is iron deficiency anemia. Hemoglobin is a special protein, very complex in structure, which we get mainly from food. But not only from them. Much depends on your lifestyle, work place, the amount of walking outdoors and so on.

People, wondering about what to raisehemoglobin, should take into account that iron is contained in both animal products and in plant. However, in the first it is heme, and in the second - non-heme. This means that iron from animal products is absorbed much better and absorbed into the blood by about 30%, and vegetable - by 10%.

fruit lifting hemoglobin
If we talk about the first, then veal, chicken andquail eggs, liver, poultry meat contain a lot of iron. If we talk about plant foods, then this task is well handled by beans (all kinds), dried mushrooms, cereals, black bread, berries (especially strawberries), nuts, greens. Fruits that raise hemoglobin are, first of all, apples and citrus fruits. Doctors advise to include in your daily diet muesli and dried fruits. Last, by the way, it is better to completely replace chocolate, which is loved by many, because it refers to products that interfere with the assimilation of iron. In the same group include tea, coffee, dairy products - their consumption is better minimized.

Well, freshly squeezed juices of apples, carrots, beets help.

buckwheat raises hemoglobin
Many know how good buckwheatraises hemoglobin. This is true, only, again, do not forget that eating it with milk will be a futile exercise. However, dry porridge hardly anyone will like. So you can apply an old recipe. Rinse a glass of buckwheat in water, fill it with kefir and leave it overnight. In the morning you can eat this dish. It is recommended to add here dried fruits or honey - for taste, and for good.

And here's another great recipe for those whois interested in how to raise hemoglobin. Walnuts must be mixed with raisins, you can also add dried apricots, and then pour honey and immediately eat. It is believed that even a few teaspoons of this mixture per day will contribute to an increase in the level of iron and its retention in the norm.

If you are not helped by a well-balanced diet,resort to traditional medicine. To increase hemoglobin, people with anemia are prescribed vitamins B12, preparations "Phytoferrolactol", "Conferon", "Ferrogradumet" and many others. However, do not prescribe yourself treatment: be sure to contact your doctor!

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