Potassium nitrate and its application

Potassium nitrate is known by several names: potassium nitrate or potassium nitrate. Technical. The chemical formula has the form: KNO3. This substance has become widespread in various areas of industry, and in the chemical industry it is given special attention.

In appearance, potassium nitrate is a white crystalline powder, sometimes with a yellowish white hue. It has no smell. Potassium nitrate dissolves well in water.

Chemical properties, in the first place, are expressedthe fact that potassium nitrate is a fairly strong oxidizer, it reacts with other substances, primarily reducing agents and combustible materials.

Areas of use

Potassium nitrate is used mainly inchemical, electrotechnical, radio and engineering industries, glass and some other fields. It is widely used in the national economy, this concerns the agricultural sector. This substance can be found in both wholesale and retail.

Since the scope of application is quite diverse,potassium nitrate is of several varieties. Manufacturers produce four major brands. The first A - is intended for the electrovacuum industry. A1 - optical glass making. Mark B denotes potassium nitrate for the production of smoky powder, special mixtures, as well as for use in the discoloration of glass and clarification of crystal, thanks to this, glass products also become stronger.

Regardless of which industry is usedpotassium nitrate, the application must take into account all the basic properties of this substance, and also certain safety rules must be observed. Potassium nitrate is a strong oxidant, so it can lead to spontaneous combustion of combustible substances. According to the effect on the body, saltpetre is assigned a third hazard class.

A similar safety precautions should be observed during transportation. Potassium nitrate is transported only in specialized wagons, or by any other closed transport.

Keep potassium nitrate only inpacked form in closed safe areas separately from other hot or flammable substances. Non-observance of these rules leads to an increased risk of explosion or fire.

Despite the fact that this compound occursin nature, the main way of its appearance is chemical reactions. In the process of using saltpeter can also itself enter into a variety of reactions. Considering potassium nitrate, hydrolysis of salts can be studied on the basis of the data obtained.

Application of potassium nitrate

Despite widespread use in variousmost often potassium nitrate is used in agriculture. This is a first-class fertilizer for plants. Saltpeter is meant for some varieties that react poorly with other types of fertilizers. This includes many berry and citrus crops, grapes, tobacco, beets. Greenhouse cultivation of vegetables and houseplants uses saltpeter to strengthen plants.

Saltpeter is able to significantly strengthenthe root system of plants, it also normalizes the processes of photosynthesis, improves the structure of plant tissues. Due to this, plants become more resistant to external influences of the environment.

Potassium nitrate is used in foodindustry as a preservative Е252. The main products where this preservative is used are sausages, ham, Dutch cheese, sausages and canned meat.

In connection with the wide demand, there is constantly a need for the production of potassium nitrate of all four brands, only its quality must comply with state standards.

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