Pregnin: instructions and warnings

The medicine "Pregnil", which is produced in Turkeyand the Netherlands, proves that the studies of the medieval alchemists have not gone without a trace for modern medicine. The active substance of the preparation "Pregnil", the instruction reveals its secret, which has a difficultly pronounced name "human chorionic gonadotropin", is extracted from the urine of women bearing a child. This substance is truly magical for uninitiated properties. Injections of the drug, if to speak very briefly, help women become pregnant. The medicine "Pregnil" and pregnancy is an indissoluble word combination. The drug helps to become parents even to those people who have pathologies of the formation of male organs, a violation of the hormonal background.

Who is recommended treatment with the drug"Pregnil"? The instruction lists a lot of diagnoses, in the disposal of which the given tool plays absolutely not an extreme role. Here are just some of the diseases that are treated with the human chorionic gonadotropin:

  • malformations (congenital) reproductive organs of men and women;
  • adrenogenital disorders, provoked by a violation of the hormonal background;
  • polycystic ovary;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine glands and pituitary gland;
  • male and female infertility of different etiologies;
  • pain during the menstrual cycle;
  • for the preparation of the body for artificial insemination.

The list of diagnoses can be continued for a very long time. The drug "Pregnil", the instruction confirms this, and the reviews of doctors and their patients confirm, it is able to bring the joy of paternity and maternity to very different categories of people.

The preparation is a powder for the preparation of an injection intramuscular solution. Sodium chloride is used as a solvent. Packaging of 3 ampoules with powder comes on sale.

Prick "Pregnil" is done to women on the 3rd, 6, 9th daysince the onset of ovulation. Boys are given injections once a week, and adult men 2-3 times a week. The volume and frequency of administration depends on the diagnosis.

There are rumors that in order to rejuvenatea healthy body, you need to regularly administer the drug "Pregnil." The instruction refutes these speculations of illiterate people. For the rejuvenating effect usually take side non-standard reactions, which sometimes arise when the drug is administered.

What are these side effects and ambiguous effects?

Women may be disturbed by a slight nausea,swelling of mammary glands and ovaries, pain in them. Sometimes there are pains in the abdomen. In case of incorrectly chosen dosage, development of ovarian cysts, hydrothorax, weight gain is possible.

Side effects in men are just confused withstate of rejuvenation. In men, the drug "Pregnil" manual warns about it, can cause an erection, penis enlargement (by increasing the amount of testosterone), a sharp increase in nipple sensitivity. Sometimes it is possible to develop gynecomastia and even the appearance of personality changes peculiar to young men at the time of puberty. That's why some men believe that the drug "Pregnil" helped them to rejuvenate. Instructions strongly emphasizes that these phenomena - not rejuvenation, and adverse reactions, when they appear, you should immediately go to the doctor. Usually the drug when these symptoms are canceled.

The drug "Pregnil", the instruction carries information about it, has a wide range of contraindications. It is not assigned:

  • patients with androgen-dependent tumors (carcinomas of the prostate and mammary glands in men, ovarian cancer in women);
  • with hepatic and renal insufficiency, hyperprolactinaemia, hyper- or hypothyroidism;
  • with obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • allergies.

The drug is prescribed for pregnant women, but it is not recommended for breastfeeding mothers.

The drug "Pregnil" is so low-toxic thatcases of overdose have not been recorded. Only at the site of the injection can there be swelling, a slight rash or itching. But this reaction is caused by most medical injections of biological origin.

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