Healing berry of viburnum - the benefit and harm of folk recipes!

Our ancestors were able to cope with their ailments with the help of natural medicines. Many plants are famous for their healing power for many centuries.

berries of viburnum are good and bad
They include the berry of the viburnum. Benefits and harm from its use are familiar to every herbalist. Therefore, we can take advantage of folk wisdom, using berries for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. You just need to carefully read the information about this plant, known to date.

Kalina berry: good and bad

Modest unpretentious plant gaveto mankind fruits, which, due to their taste qualities and unique composition, have found wide application. Berries are successfully used in folk medicine, cooking, pharmaceutics and cosmetology, therefore it is difficult to underestimate the benefits of the Kalina. For medicinal purposes, bark, flowers, leaves and, of course, the viburnum are used. The benefits and harms of this plant have always been considered unequal - there is a limited number of people who are not allowed to consume red berries. These are hypotension, allergies, pregnant women and people suffering from high acidity of the stomach.

viburnum berry benefits and harm
But if there are no contraindications, you cansimply and deliciously strengthen the protective functions of the body, replenish its vitamin reserve, and also get a huge amount of macro and microelements. Due to the high content of vitamin C, it is recommended to include guarana in the diet to combat viral and acute respiratory diseases. Taking the medicine from the berries of the viburnum in the midst of epidemics, you can so strengthen immunity that the cold will bypass you and your family.

Nature so well balanced the composition of berriesviburnum, that they are an excellent analgesic (hence the bitter taste), and are also characterized by diaphoretic and diuretic action. Many people have already tested on themselves how gently removes the headache of the viburnum. Benefits and harms are described in many benefits, but there are still positive aspects. For example, on cardiovascular activity, viburnum has the most beneficial effect. But, as mentioned above, this does not apply to people who have low blood pressure. But the regular use of berries allows to gradually reduce pressure to those who are used to doing this with the help of medicines.

Recipes from viburnum - tasty and useful

For medicinal purposes, viburnum is used, using various variations: decoctions, infusions, tea or fresh.

a medicine from berries of a viburnum
In order to prepare an infusion, useFresh or frozen berries in this proportion: 2 tbsp. l. product for a glass of boiling water. Insist about four hours. Using 3-4 glasses of this drink, you can get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

To prepare a decoction of water and berrieswe take in the same proportions as above. Only the viburnum must be previously mashed, then pour water and boil for five minutes. The broth is filtered, filled with water to the former volume and consumed half the glass before meals.

It is possible to prepare simple teas in whichtake honey, lemon and berry viburnum. The benefits and harm of red berries should be studied in every family. After all, in this way, you can safely replace half the medicines from your medicine chest with valuable gifts of nature!

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