How to recognize the first symptoms of meningitis in children?

Today every parent should be able to recognizethe first symptoms of meningitis in children. This disease is an inflammatory process that occurs in the membranes of the spinal cord and brain. This disease is considered one of the most dangerous, and with the slightest suspicion of meningitis, the patient should be urgently hospitalized, since it can be cured only in a hospital setting. And it does not matter who had signs of meningitis: in adolescents or young children. Yes, this disease is more susceptible to children, because they have not so much developed immunity.

The first symptoms of meningitis in children

Disease is dangerous because even if the patientin time and correctly start to treat, serious consequences can occur in the form of a decrease in hearing or vision, headaches, epileptic seizures. Such complications can last several years or remain for life, leading to disability. Everyone knows that meningitis, even in the conditions of modern treatment, can cause a lethal outcome. That is why it is especially important to know the first symptoms of meningitis in children.

what are the signs of meningitis

This disease in children is divided into purulent andserous. In the first case, the pathogen is a bacterial infection, and in the second case the disease occurs due to a viral infection. It must be said that the virus of meningitis is extremely resistant to the external environment. It can stay quiet for several weeks, for example, in tap water. And short-term boiling is absolutely no threat to him. Most often this type of sick preschool children and adolescents. What are the signs of meningitis in this case? This is a severe headache with a sharply increased temperature. And the pain will be felt throughout the head and intensify during sharp sounds, movements or light irritations. Reception of analgesics will not give an effect. On day 2-3, vomiting (fountain) may occur, and it will not be associated with food intake. It is clear that there will be general lethargy, the child will lie, as they say, "layer".

What are the first symptoms of meningitis in children?purulent form of the disease? This species is transmitted by airborne droplets. It can also occur against the background of a nasopharynx or ear. The disease begins with fever and headache. Appears shortness of breath and heart palpitations. In newborn children, cramps may occur, and a fontanelle swelling is observed. Babies try to lie on their sides with legs between their legs and their head thrown back. Also there is a rigidity of muscles. Put the baby on his back and try to press his chin to his chest. If this is made difficult or impossible, the baby has a clear sign of meningitis.

signs of meningitis in adolescents

Another symptom of this disease isin that if the patient lies on his back, and his head is tilted to the chest, then the legs will involuntarily bend. Or, lift the sick kid under the armpits, he must pull the legs to his stomach. Also, the first signs include strong excitement of the child, which subsequently builds up and is accompanied by hallucinations, or, conversely, can be replaced by lethargy and even go into a coma.

It must be said that all the listed firstthe symptoms of meningitis in children are indirect, it is possible to diagnose this disease only under stationary conditions. And if suddenly you find the first signs, put him to bed, close the curtains of the window and immediately call an ambulance.

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