Pancreas size in norm and pathology

The pancreas is a gland of mixed secretion that performs exocrine and endocrine functions. The size of the pancreas normally corresponds to 16-17 centimeters in length and 2-4 centimeters in width.

the size of the pancreas is normal

Anatomically, the pancreas is divided intohead, body and tail, and various parts thereof perform various kinds of secretion. Having a network of ducts that extend into the small intestine, the gland secrete enzymes such as pancreatic amylase, lipase, and protease. In the tail part are the so-called islets of Langerhans, secreting hormones, among which there is all known insulin. Accordingly, if these islands are damaged, diabetes mellitus develops. There is also an extensive group of pathological conditions in which pancreatic inflammation is observed - pancreatitis (from pancreas - pancreas, itis - inflammation). With this disease, the structure, morphology, pancreatic size in the norm are very different characteristics from the pathological state. Enzymes that do not enter the duodenum participate in the cleavage of the gland itself, and toxins are also released in this process, which can affect other organs.


pancreas removal

The sizes of a pancreas in norm or rate differfrom those with pancreatitis. Therefore, the pathology can be successfully visualized by ultrasound. In this study, it is important to know what the pancreas is, the size of the organ, the condition of the tissue, and it also allows you to identify possible tumors. The ultrasonic method will be the most reliable and painless. The revealed neoplasms, which arise most often because of smoking, alcoholism, abuse of fatty foods, can go to cancer. In addition to ultrasound, a biochemical diagnostic method is used, in which the amount of pancreatic amylase in the blood is quantitatively determined. Elevated levels can talk about pancreatitis, stones in the ducts of the gland, tumors, etc. Malignant tumor originates from the epithelium of the gland, more often in the head region, less often on the body and tail.

Treatment and prevention

pancreas size

With the possibility of surgical intervention(absence of metastases) shows removal of the pancreas, otherwise chemo- and symptomatic therapy. After surgery, you must follow a strict diet based on protein-rich foods and the lack of fried foods and rich in fiber. It is important to pay attention in time to the first signs of the disease, namely: prolonged pain in the left side, if pancreatitis was previously diagnosed, weight loss without an obvious cause, stool disorder, jaundice, tummy tensity. Prevention of diseases of the gland lies in the formation of proper nutrition (limiting fatty foods), refusal of cigarettes and alcohol will help to bypass not only the diseases of this gland, but also the majority of others. This will help keep the size of the pancreas normal until old age.

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