Cedar barrel: reviews and description of the procedure

In fact, the cedar barrel, the benefit of whichhuge, is a popular method of healing the body on the basis of herbal steam, which is derived from medicinal fees. In addition, the procedure is accompanied by the use of phyto-tea and rubbing various ointments.

Cedar barrel allows you to get rid of manyailments, strengthen immunity, improve metabolic processes in the body. The curative steam entering the barrel opens the pores, activates the blood circulation, removes toxins and other harmful substances, instead of which useful ingredients come from the herbs. The method allows to rejuvenate, tighten the skin, make it more elastic, the procedure relaxes, soothes, brings back a sense of comfort and peace of mind. It is worth mentioning a slight decrease in body weight.

Cedar barrel: reviews (body cleaning)

During the procedure from the bodyslags and toxins are released. In modern conditions, a person is exposed to adverse environmental effects, such as automobile exhausts, dust, industrial emissions. Stressful situations, inactivity become aggravating factors. Judging by the reviews, the cedar barrel, like the steam bath, washes away sweat, opens the pores, provides active cleansing. Unusual steam is obtained on the basis of herbal infusions with healing properties. During the procedure, the heat does not affect the head, because it is outside the steam, which makes it possible to make the stay in the barrel more prolonged.

Cedar barrel: reviews (weight reduction)

Just like in a sauna or a bath, a person experiences relaxation in a barrel, a pleasant relaxation. A herbal infusion further enhances this effect, creates a sense of rest, gives strength.

Like other similar methods, phyto-sauna provideseffect on weight loss. At the same time there are no loads on the heart, since the head is outside the barrel. According to people who often visit phyto-sauna, a significant reduction in body weight can be achieved only with the regular use of the method in combination with other procedures (phytotea and massage).

Cedar barrel: reviews (strengthening of the nervous system)

Lovers of procedures say that pacificationand calming come literally from the first minute. Healing, grass-saturated couples literally envelop the body. Muscles relax pleasantly, heavy thoughts and cares leave.

With the regular application of cedar barrela person develops resistance to stress. The procedure has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. The effect occurs as a result of the expansion of the capillaries. Increased circulation of blood contributes to the normalization of thermoregulation, resistance to unfavorable external conditions is developed.

The conducted studies have established thatpeople who attended the procedures, the condition improved with arrhythmias, bradycardia, hypotension, atherosclerosis, hypertension, post-infarction and post-stroke states.

Cedar barrel: reviews (increased immunity)

Therapists refer to procedures asan excellent tool for increasing immunity and preventing ARI. For a cold, the barrel acts primarily as an inhaler. Used for the formation of steam, the herbs are a wonderful source of phytoncides and essential oils that relieve spasms of breathing and swelling of the mucous membranes. Therapeutic sessions are simply irreplaceable for colds and dermatitis.

Cedar barrel - a procedure that allows to improveskin condition and get rid of cellulite. With regular use of the barrel, there is a pronounced cosmetic and rejuvenating effect, the skin becomes smooth and supple. At the same time, cellulite is treated. The procedures improve lymph circulation, restore disturbed lymph flow, which helps to get rid of psoriasis and dermatitis.

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