Salicylic acid as the best means for cleaning the face

For more than a decade, young people have beenincessant struggle against acne. New masks, lotions, creams and ointments are being invented. But no matter how the beauticians tried, and the best remedy for hated pimples was invented more than half a century ago and it's salicylic acid.

For the face it is quite possible to use both inpure form, and in a mixture with a number of other cosmetics to prevent overdrying of the skin. Together with glycolic acid it works as a peeling, relieving not only acne, but also from their precursors - the gum. Also, it is able to fight and hyperpigmentation, increasing the skin's ability to regenerate and significantly reducing the timing of getting rid of acne.

Salicylic acid is not advertised bytelevision, posters with it you will not meet in pharmacies or cosmetology offices, and meanwhile, knowledge about it is passed on from generation to generation and has been successfully applied in folk medicine for several decades. It is worth, in comparison with popular anti-acne drugs, just a penny, but it works no less effectively.

A number of organic acids include salicylicacid. For the first time it was extracted from willow branches, and then began to be produced using chemical methods. In the pharmacy this antibacterial product is sold without a prescription. And there is a wide enough choice of solutions of different concentrations: from 0.8% to 5%. To get rid of blackheads and pimples, two percent salicylic acid is used.

The formula of this solution has a soft, butpowerful action, quickly dries out acne, eliminates black spots, inflammation, brightens pimples and pigmented spots. You can apply it in several ways. The easiest way - early in the morning and before bedtime, always on thoroughly cleaned skin, with light movements, apply acid with a cotton pad. Twenty minutes after this procedure, you need to moisturize your face with any of the available nourishing creams.

Salicylic acid can not be used more oftenonce or twice a week as a good cleansing peel or just in the form of several products. Here the main thing to pay close attention to the composition of gels or lotions. They should contain a complex of emollients, such as essential oils or herbal extracts.

Skeptics say that salicylic acidcan cause allergic reactions or even burns. It is necessary to dispel this myth and note that this drug has no more contra-indications than any other similar preparation. Naturally, its use requires mandatory additional moisturizing, as this is an acid, and sometimes alcohol is included in the formulation. Skin itching and dryness are the most serious consequences that can lead to salicylic acid. When used for particularly delicate skin, a preliminary sensitivity test is required. Take the cotton swab, carefully moisten it in the solution and pass behind the ear. If after four to five hours in the place of application there are no signs of irritation, the drug can be used without fear.

It should also be borne in mind that the tool shouldApply only on undamaged skin. In the presence of severe abrasions, cuts or scratches, severe inflammation can develop and even a chemical burn may form.

The most common form proposed inpharmacy, is an alcohol solution. It has a good curative effect, but it dries out the skin a little. Also, salicylic acid can be sold in the form of powders, which is not too convenient, ointments or pastes. In their composition there is petrolatum or similar substances that clog pores. The best solution is to choose a lotion with softening ingredients in the composition. It has practically no side effects, does not dry the skin and perfectly eliminates acne.

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