Intracranial pressure in a child - causes and symptoms

Quite often doctors when examining small childreninform parents that their child has high intracranial pressure. Intracranial pressure in a child is not a diagnosis, but a consequence of some diseases. What are the symptoms that affect the pressure in the head and can it be treated?

Intracranial pressure is characterized by pressurehead fluid located in the spinal canal and cerebral ventricles, as well as in the cranial bones, in the spine, between the zones of the brain and spinal cord. This fluid is called cerebrospinal fluid or CSF.

Fluid spaces and cerebral ventriclesbetween themselves are connected by ducts, the liquor constantly circulates through them. It is excreted in some brain departments, then along the ducts it flows into other departments, where it penetrates into the bloodstream.

Intracranial pressure in the child can beto compare with the arterial pressure, it happens to everyone and throughout life it rises or falls. For normal health is very important indicator of the norm of intracranial pressure, for example, in children, the norm is usually considered a pressure indicator in the range from 1 to 2 mm of mercury, in an adult - from 5 to 7 mm of mercury.


The most common reasons for the increase in intracranial pressure are:

- a large amount of allocated liquor;

- poor absorption of cerebrospinal fluid into the bloodstream;

- poor permeability in the circulation pathways of the cerebrospinal fluid.

Any of the above reasons may arise due to:

- encephalitis or meningitis;

- hypoxia;

- ever happened to a trauma to the skull, for example, ancestral;

- congenital abnormalities in the development of the central nervous system;

serious poisoning.


Increased intracranial pressure in infantsquite dangerous. Since a child can not always explain his state of health, it is difficult to detect a change in pressure. Also at this age, the content of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain is unstable and the brain of the child does not have a final formation.

If the doctor does not contact the doctor in time, the diseasecan go to a difficult stage, the consequence may be mental retardation. In this case, the baby's brain does not grow and develops, but, on the contrary, decreases.

Symptoms of intracranial pressure in a child are as follows:

- refusal of the child from drinking;

- rapid growth of the head;

- the appearance of strabismus;

- looking down, called the "setting sun" syndrome;

- swelling of the fontanel;

- Tearfulness;

- Periodic occurrence of regurgitation and vomiting.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical advice.


Intracranial pressure in a child is determinedby examining the fundus. An additional study to determine the cause of pressure deflection is the ultrasound examination of the skull through the fontanel of the baby. Older children are prescribed tomography - magnetic resonance and computer tomography.


If intracranial pressure in a child regularly deviates from the norm, then treatment should not be independent - it should be done by a competent doctor after establishing the appropriate reasons.

Prescribe drugs to improve blood circulationand brain nutrition, in some cases - vascular and sedatives, as well as vitamins. To increase the effectiveness of drug treatment appoint sessions of acupuncture, swimming and general massage.

Exacerbation of the disease requires surgicalintervention, in which excess cerebral fluid is removed from the cranial cavity. When a tumor is formed, it is removed. If there is a neuroinfection, antibiotics are used.

It should be remembered that no states,accompanied by increased intracranial pressure, can not be treated with the help of homeopathy, folk medicine, vitamins, massage and acupuncture. All this can be used in combination with the main treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment should be carried out in a hospital setting, only under the strict supervision of the physician and in the presence of indications.

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