Electronic cigarettes: pros and cons, pros and cons

Electronic cigarettes are a modern replacementreal tobacco. Many people prefer to use this kind of technique. Especially when there is a desire to quit smoking altogether. About e-cigarettes for and against will have to learn to everyone who intends to use such a product. After all, the absence of nicotine or tobacco is not always favorable for human health. Maybe electronic cigarettes are more harmful than ordinary cigarettes? Therefore, we first have to study the benefits and harms of this technique, only then make a final decision on the acquisition.

electronic cigarettes for and against

What it is

The first step is to understand what in generalare electronic cigarettes. After all, not everyone understands what is at stake. Electronic cigarette - a technique that replaces the real analog. Such a device helps to stop smoking.

The electronic unit represents itself,made in the form of a cigarette. It feeds through a special built-in filter the vapor replacing nicotine. Manufacturers assure that the smoke from electronic cigarettes is harmless, as well as the device itself. Many people choose this type of device. But what are the electronic cigarettes for and against? What should I look for?


It's no secret that an electronic cigarette -that new goods. And now it does not require any certification. So, for producers this is only a positive moment. You do not have to worry about paperwork when selling products.

On the one hand, this technique is also good forbuyers - there is no additional mark-up. And to get such a technique is not a problem. But on the other hand, if you think about what electronic cigarettes are for and against? It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the safety of this product is not proven. No certificate - there is no evidence of harmlessness. Therefore, at least the risk of damage with electronic smoking is available. You can not exclude it.

electronic cigarettes against conventional


The next important point is the risks. It is closely related to the previous paragraph. The thing is that ordinary cigarettes require a certificate. And so the risk of buying a tobacco product with an incomprehensible composition is minimal. But for electronic colleagues, certification is not required.

What does it mean? Every buyer risks buying an electronic cigarette with an incomprehensible liquid inside. So, there is a risk of harm to health.

Along with this, there is always a probabilityacquisition of confiscate, for example. Also not the best moment. We can say that electronics are huge risks. And it is not necessary to prove the harmlessness of products. The lack of certification or licensing speaks for itself. What other electronic cigarettes do they have for and against?


Consider the cost of the product. Regular cigarettes cost differently: from 30 rubles and up for a pack. And the electronic fellow is more expensive. Therefore, some are skeptical about the novelty. People simply can not decide what is best - a pack of cigarettes or one electronic tube.

electronic cigarettes for and against reviews

On the one hand, prices are not too high. Especially when you consider that one electronic cigarette replaces several packs of conventional cigarettes. On the other hand, some people smoke the cheapest tobacco. And the electronic cigarette in this case exceeds the monthly expenses of a person for this harmful habit.

Here such have electronic cigarettes for and against. Customer feedback indicates that such a technique as a whole is not too expensive. The main thing is to choose the correct device model. Most often, the cost of such products is indeed lower than that of conventional cigarettes.

Impact on health

It should not be forgotten that the main point,which should play a role in choosing a particular product, is its harmlessness. That is, if it is proved that ordinary cigarettes are harmful, many will stop at their electronic counterparts. How are things really in this area?

Electronic cigarettes versus conventional ones - a favoritethe theme of shops, manufacturers of tobacco products and doctors. The one who makes an electronic analog, says that this product is absolutely harmless. After all, there is no tobacco to it, only a certain smoke. But the manufacturers of conventional cigarettes do not agree with this.

law against electronic cigarettes

Who is right? You can argue a very long time about this. Doctors have not yet proven either harmlessness, or a serious danger to the human health of using electronic cigarettes. Although sometimes in the news you can see that people die or are seriously ill after using such electronics. An occasion to reflect!

It is possible and independently to estimate, how much harmfule-cigarettes. All the pros and cons should be based only on facts. For example, on the composition. In the electronic analogue you can find nicotine, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, flavors. And in cigarette smoke, which is exhaled, contains the following substances:

  • carbon monoxide;
  • ammonia;
  • resin;
  • cyanides;
  • acetone;
  • arsenic.

It turns out that the electronic cigarette doesa person is no less harm than usual. So, you should not use such a device. In any case, if there are problems with health and so on. Until the mandatory certification of electronic cigarettes is introduced, it is impossible to say with certainty about the harm of this product.

tobacco companies against electronic cigarettes

Everywhere and always

Not so long ago in Russia was introduced a specialThe law, which imposes restrictions on smokers. They are prohibited from smoking in public places. And according to the law on the street and in buildings it is possible to realize the idea only in specially designated places. Namely, in a variety of smoking rooms.

What are the electronic cigarettes for and against? Reviews of people indicate that the established restrictions on such products do not apply. What does it mean? You can smoke an e-cigarette in public places. And this fact makes many happy. You can at any time meet the need for smoking.

The fact that the law against electronic cigarettes does notacts, is a plus. But at the same time, people around him breathe in the smoke that the smoker releases. It is no less harmful than the usual cigarette. The damage of smoke was not canceled. This is the lack of an electronic colleague.

Problems of use

Tobacco companies against electronic cigarettesare expressed constantly. It's a competition. But among the main arguments are often the opinion that electronic cigarettes - it's not quite convenient. Yes, you can use this device without problems, you do not need lighters or matches. However, the electronic cigarette has to be recharged from time to time. Many people forget about this.

electronic cigarettes for and against reviews of people

Also to the disadvantages is thatThe liquid that is stored inside the device, sooner or later ends. It has to be replenished. This is not entirely convenient. Plus additional spending. To use ordinary cigarettes is somewhat simpler.

Good or bad

So what results can be summed up based on everythingThe foregoing? What electronic cigarettes do you have for and against? Among the positive and negative points, there are several main points. The pluses include:

  • simplicity of treatment;
  • fashion;
  • the belief that this method will help to break the habit of smoking;
  • a variety of tastes of liquid;
  • price (in some cases).

Among the cons are:

  • the cost of the device (with frequent smoking);
  • need for recharging to ensure operability;
  • lack of certification;
  • the risk of buying a cigarette with unknown contents;
  • lack of security.

electronic cigarettes are all for and against

You can not just say how good you areor not very electronic cigarettes. Doctors do not recommend using them. Compared with conventional cigarettes, electronic products do the same harm, so they can not be called a safe analogue of tobacco products.

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