Adenomyosis - what is it? And how to treat it?

It is very important for a woman to monitor her health. But even though the ladies visit the doctor every year and undergo examinations, no one is immune from sudden illnesses and incomprehensible diagnoses. If at the next appointment with a gynecologist a woman is diagnosed with adenomyosis, what is it, she should know. Of course, the treatment will be prescribed by a specialist, but the patient herself will not be harmed if she knows at least some information about her illness.

Adenomyosis, what is it

Disease, which is a form ofendometriosis, often catches a woman by surprise. In general, adenomyosis of the ovaries or uterus occurs after 30 years. The disease is quite common among women, the number of female sufferers from it reaches 70 percent. And although many believe that adenomyosis passes with the onset of menopause, it still needs to be treated so that complications do not arise. After all, the female body is very sensitive, and therefore it is important to undergo an examination and follow the doctor's instructions. Often diagnosed adenomyosis on ultrasound, especially informative in this case is transvaginal ultrasound. Thanks to him you can judge the condition of the pelvic organs.

And if the disease passes with the onset of menopause,then what to do if a woman wants to become pregnant? After all, pregnancy and the said disease mutually exclude each other. To answer this question, you need to understand how to treat adenomyosis, what it is, what its signs are.

Adenomyosis of the ovaries

Quite often, this ailment can not disturb the woman and proceed absolutely imperceptibly and asymptomatically. But there are a number of signs that indicate this disease, they are similar to the symptoms of menstruation:

  • plentiful and long monthly;
  • pain in sexual intercourse;
  • the menstrual cycle is shortened;
  • pain before menstruation and after in the area of ​​pelvic organs;
  • spotting in the middle of the cycle;
  • blood clots during menstruation.

Abundant periods are observed due to the fact that whenadenomyosis of the uterus tissue swelling and pinching the nerve endings. Because of this, pain appears. If the endometrium is strongly rejected, the pain may be worse.

Adenomyosis on ultrasound

Above was briefly told about the disease adenomyosis. What it is, you already know.

Adenomyosis is treated in many ways:

  • reception of hormonal means;
  • embolization of the uterine arteries;
  • surgical intervention, during which excess tissues of the endometrium are removed.

You can also put a hormonal intrauterine device, for example, Mirena, but remember that such important decisions can only be taken by a doctor, so as not to harm your body.

To cure the disease and no longer think aboutadenomyosis, what it is and how to treat it, watch your health, properly observe the doctor's prescriptions, be sure to perform systemic improvement of the whole organism. Completely cure adenomyosis is possible only in the early stages, but the growth of the endometrium may continue. It depends only on your body and its individual characteristics.

Be healthy!

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