What is a burdock, almost everyone knows. This plant can be found in any Russian village. However, many people do not even know what are the useful properties of burdock. Nevertheless, preparations from this plant have long occupied an honorable place in folk medicine. For such purposes, all of its parts are applied. In cosmetology, the roots of burdock for hair are mainly used. Because of the seeds that cling well to the clothing, this plant is popularly called a burdock. It, in turn, served as the basis for the name of a well-known drug, for the manufacture of which go the roots of burdock. For the hair, most people who have problems with them use burdock oil.
The source of useful properties of burdock aresubstances contained in the plant. In particular, it contains vitamins A, B, P, C, E, potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, iron, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, polysaccharides of inulin. All these elements have caused people to start using burdock roots for hair, as well as for other medical or cosmetic purposes.
Among the main directions of application of burdockthere are several. In particular, its leaves and root are used to normalize the fever, remove pain syndromes with bruises, radiculitis, rheumatism, head ailments. The lower part of the burdock serves as a source of preparations for the treatment of neoplastic diseases, prostatic adenoma, gastritis, furuncles and bronchial asthma. Also, its roots are used for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis. In people affected by gout, burdock extract improves blood composition. The root is also used to control diabetes mellitus. Various preparations are prepared from the plant, for this purpose it is dried, boiled or insisted. It is used as a separate medicine, and in combination with other useful herbs and ingredients.
Tincture of burdock root is prepared on vodka, alcoholor other alcohol-containing liquids. It is made in darkened vessels at a temperature not colder than twenty degrees. The more the root is insisted, the more medicinal properties the preparation has. Sometimes honey is added to the infusion to strengthen them. Decoctions from the root of this plant do both on water and on oil. It is most often used for the treatment of oncological diseases, with the delay of menstruation, diabetes, rickets, kidney stones and bladder, as compresses for skin inflammations, eczema, ulcers, rheumatism, joint pain.
Roots of burdock for hair help prevent themfragility, loss, restore health and shine. There are differences in the preparation of drugs. For oily hair, the composition includes calendula flowers. There is a difference in technology. In particular, for dry hair, infusion of a ready broth in a dark place is provided. When preparing burdock oil, there are also nuances. The value has a type of hair, it depends on it, which is used as the basis.
Contraindications when using drugs fromBurdock is minimal. It is not recommended to use during pregnancy and lactation, as well as with individual intolerance of the elements that make up its composition.
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