Today, without exaggeration, diabetes mellitus isnot just a disease, but rather a way of life. With the timely diagnosis and joint efforts of both the doctor and the patient, it is absolutely easy to prevent the development of complications of such a formidable disease and as soon as possible and more efficiently compensate it. The main attention of patients and treating specialists in this pathology is aimed at correction and normalization of plasma glucose level. In this case, the main and effective way to achieve a positive result is to maintain a diet and normalize the diet.
With diabetes, nutrition should bebalanced, regular, fractional, full and consistent with the following principles: carbohydrates during the day should be distributed so that most of them were for breakfast and lunch; it is unacceptable to skip meals; with increasing physical exertion it is necessary to increase the amount of carbohydrates in the diet; presence in the diet of fat; evenly distribute grain units to all meals; should completely abandon alcohol.
For all patients with diabetes, especiallythe second type, it is extremely necessary to control the amount of carbohydrates. For the convenience of their calculation, a single measure of the calculus, called the bread unit (XE), was created and unified. One such unit contains between ten and twelve grams of carbohydrates. Thanks to the grain units, you can calculate the amount of carbohydrates needed for consumption with various foods of the diet. Such calculations are convenient and simple for the patients themselves.
The photo shows the table information results of the main food products and the number of grain units in them.
On the above image, the main productsfood are located in the form of a kind of "food" pyramid, which give a visual representation of the importance of controlling grain units in a particular product.
With diabetes, along with the traditionaltherapy with medicines, it is of great importance and proper nutrition. To simplify the calculation of used carbohydrates in the diet of such patients, the units described are used. Information about their content in a certain amount of food makes it possible to easily control your diet and compensate for this disease itself.
Now you also know what constitutestable of cereal units for type 1 diabetics. Thanks to it, you can quickly and accurately calculate the amount of necessary food and maintain the sugar level within the required limits.