Why the chest is scratched: scientific and popular explanations

Why the chest is scratched: folk wisdom
People's signs are a storehouse of age-old wisdom,a lot of people are inclined to trust them. They can find an explanation for any situation, including, and such trivial as itching in the chest. What is characteristic, the signs do not differ in uniformity, rather, vice versa. For example, some are sure: combed in the chest - wait for weather worsening (if you think about it, they are lucky enough to listen to your feelings, and you know in advance whether to take an umbrella and not to put on a warmer jacket).

why it itches the chest

There is one more version: the chest is scratched - means, any person for you grieves. Moreover, the ubiquitous signs manage to concretize the situation: it was combed on the left side - a hot brunette thinks about you. Accordingly, the itching on the right indicates that you have bewitched a gentle blonde. As for the red-haired macho and gloomy brown-haired women, they are, unfortunately, silent about them.
itches the chest

Physiological causes
1. Allergies.
Even if the most thorough search is not revealed inthe radius of five kilometers of men bored for you, and the answer to the question of why the chest is scratched is not found, it's time to think more seriously about the causes of this phenomenon. It is likely that the fault is all common allergy. To confirm the guess, carefully study the decollete area for spots, redness, rashes and other painful manifestations. However, even if your skin pleases the eye with smoothness and whiteness, this does not exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction. Try to remember if you have recently changed shower gel, cream or lotion? Perhaps you have a new body scrub or lotion? A bra, T-shirt or T-shirt, made of poor-quality material or purchased in the Vietnamese market, can also cause allergies. Another version of the answer to the question about why the chest is scratched is cheap jewelry in contact with the decollete zone (necklaces, necklaces, chains etc).
2. Pollution.
Banal, but from this no less probablethe cause of itching in the mammary glands is dirty skin. You can be a notebook cleaner, but in the summer, in the heat, the skin quickly becomes dirty. This is promoted by active sweating, dust, wind, clothing closely adjacent to the body. In this case, you will save an ordinary cool shower.

types of breasts

3. Reaction to medicines.
Everyone knows that there are a variety oftypes of breasts, however, in some ways they coincide. Delicate décolleté skin is one of the first places on the body where the reaction to medicines and biologically active additives is manifested. Perhaps you recently started taking some new remedy? In this case, do not save money and time, consult your doctor in charge - in fact such a symptom can lead to quite serious consequences. But do not be scared beforehand, most likely, the doctor will simply replace the medicine that has not come up to you for its more harmless analogue.
4. Skin diseases.
"Why does my chest itch, why, why?""None of the above options are not suitable for you, and the bothersome itching is already driving you crazy? Feet in arms and jog to the doctor! It is possible that your innocuous "scrapes" indicate a disease (from dermatological to gynecological).

5. Pregnancy.
Perhaps the reason is unexpected, but quiteprobable. This option is especially relevant if the itching in the chest is combined with the delay of critical days. To exclude unnecessary doubt, we advise you to use a pregnancy test.

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