Enuresis in children: find the reason - pick up the treatment.

Enuresis in children is one of the most seriousdiseases in pediatrics and pediatric neurology, which is characterized by a constant involuntary urination during the day or during sleep. Enuresis - as a neurological disease occurs in both adults and children. But if it occurs in adults because of injuries, tumors, or intoxication of the central nervous system, then enuresis in children is an idiopathic CNS disorder. Involuntary urination occurs in about 20% of preschool children, that is, one out of every five children has some problems with the bladder. The most prevalent bedwetting is the night, and the disease is more exposed to boys than girls.

It should be emphasized that the cause of involuntary urination is the genetic factor. Researchers found that in 75% of children, the next of kin also suffered from enuresis.

Distinguish between day and night enuresis in children,treatment of the latter is much more successful. Neuropathologists also distinguish early enuresis, which occurs after acquiring control over the process of urination, and late enuresis - at the age of 5 - 7 years. By the way, later incontinence is accompanied by severe emotional and behavioral disorders.

Is it possible to avoid the occurrence of such a heavyailment, how is enuresis in children? As you know, about one and a half years of age the child needs to be trained to control the bladder. This process is gradual. Parents should very responsibly approach this issue: when the child is three months old, it is necessary to start planting it on a pot (but it is better to keep it over the sink) at regular intervals so that the child learns to restrain urination.

Unfortunately, during the last decadesthere is an increase in the number of cases of so-called "diaper enuresis". The fact is that young parents prefer to constantly wear diapers on their baby. On the one hand, this progressive invention is incredibly useful - the child's skin is always clean and dry, and on the other hand, the child is not able to learn the proper urination, the kid does not know how to notify parents in time about what he wants to go to the toilet.

Treatment of children's enuresis

Of course, everyone who has heard about thisan unpleasant disease, asks the question: "How to treat enuresis in children?" First of all, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a neurologist or a psychiatrist. Only they can establish the cause of the disease and conduct a competent examination, including various types of diagnosis.

In no case should you scold the child orto shame him, because it can cause him deep trauma and scare the baby. Parents should check that the child goes to the toilet before going to bed, and also to explain to him that it is necessary to ask for a toilet in time. It is also necessary to limit the consumption of liquid before going to bed and wake the baby at night to empty the bladder.

Of course, you can not do without a seriouscomplex therapy with the appointment of drug treatment. In order to cure the enuresis in children, prescribe hormonal drugs, psychostimulants and antidepressants. Competent medical treatment is very effective, and in half of cases it contributes to rapid healing.

Of no little importance is and psychotherapy,along with taking medications. Among the methods of psychotherapy are hypnosis - classical and Ericksonian - and hypnosuggestive therapy. Do not overlook the aspect of improving the emotional microclimate in the family and at school. The last point is also significant for the treatment of enuresis in children, as is medical treatment.

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