DTP vaccine: do or not do

Among the vaccinations included in the mandatoryvaccination of young children special place is occupied by inoculation of DTP (adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus). This is a very useful vaccine, which allows you to purchase persistent immunity from very dangerous diseases, especially those that are undesirable in the first year of life, but it is different because it is after this vaccination that all sorts of complications are most likely. In particular, the increased temperature after DPT vaccination is very likely, and some doctors even recommend immediately after vaccination to give the child antipyretic drugs in order to reduce the risk of fever. Most likely, this measure is excessive, but if the temperature rises after the first immunization, then it has the right to exist. The temperature can rise both slightly and seriously, and it is necessary to act in this case based on the child's well-being: if the temperature rises within 38.5 degrees, and the child feels normal and shows no signs of anxiety, then it is not necessary to knock down it, but if To the kid it is bad, to accept an antipyretic agent is necessary.

Response to and the consequences of DTP vaccinationmost often associated with the individual intolerance of the vaccine itself, so if the child has allergic reactions, then two to three days before the vaccination, drink a course of antihistamines - this will reduce the risk of possible complications to a minimum. It should be noted that this should be agreed with a competent specialist who can correctly choose a safe drug, dosage and schedule of admission.

The most likely reaction of a baby to such avaccine, like DTP vaccination - drowsiness. Most likely, the child falls asleep on the way home and sleeps longer than usual, and next time wants to sleep earlier than usual. In this there is nothing to worry about - in a day or two everything will be normalized, and no measures will be taken. In this case, you only need to gently follow the temperature of the baby, which can rise at any time. It also happens that the child, on the contrary, becomes more restless and loses appetite, gastrointestinal manifestations in the form of diarrhea and vomiting are also possible.

DTP vaccination can also be accompanied by a localreaction of varying severity, from minor swelling and redness to a rather large inflammatory process, which may also be accompanied by an increase in temperature. This is usually due to getting into the wound infection either during or immediately after the vaccination, or by an individual intolerance to the drug. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor, otherwise the process can take an alarming scale.

I must say, in cases of particularly acute reactions tovaccination DTP vaccination can be replaced either with expensive imported analogues of higher quality and degree of purification, or with a simpler vaccine that does not contain an anti-pertussis component, which gives the most pronounced response.

To make vaccinations or not - this dispute is already underwaymany years, and the main argument in them - just inoculation DTP with its consequences. It is often said that this immunization does not give the proper effect, and the morbidity, in particular, whooping cough, does not decrease. I must say that any vaccination does not give a hundred percent guarantee against the disease, but that it will proceed in a much lighter form, is guaranteed. By the way, whooping cough is very dangerous in infancy, and the risk of its severe course and even death in infants is incomparably greater than the possibility of serious complications after vaccination.

Many mothers want to reduce the risk of complicationstry to make this vaccine baby at the most senior age, but this approach is absolutely not justified: the smaller the age of the child, the easier it is to endure this inoculation, and the data of swallowing, on the contrary, are more severe at an early age.

Also, some parents worry thatcarrying out of vaccination the child can pick up that infection from which immunization is done, as believe, that the live culture is grafted. In the case of DTP, this fear is unjustified: all the components of the vaccine are killed cells of the causative agents of the disease, into which parts immunity is developed, and subsequently the baby's organism will recognize them and effectively deal with them.

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