What is steatohepatosis? Steatogenesis of the liver

Hepatosis is a structuraldisease of the liver with a subsequent violation of its work. Due to pathological changes, organ cells, hepatocytes, are replaced by fat cells. This disease is called "steatohepatosis". What does it mean? Replacement of functional cells leads to disruption of metabolic processes and does not allow the body to fully act, perform its work.

steatohepatosis what is it

Causes of the disease

Fatty degeneration (hepatosis) of the liver can be caused by various factors. Most often it is:

  • excessive consumption of food with a high content of carbohydrates and lipids;
  • accumulation of fats in the blood due to metabolic disturbances in the body;
  • diseases of the endocrine system of various etiologies;
  • taking drugs that have a toxic effect on the liver;
  • functional disorders in the body, because of which fat is not excreted from the liver;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages.

steatohepatosis of the liver

All this leads to a disruption in the structure of cells and theirsubsequent obesity. Most often non-alcoholic steatohepatosis is found. A great influence on the condition of the body is provided by various nutritional supplements. The leader position is taken by additives of class E - technological or flavoring substances that are in any kind of store products.

If you choose natural products and carefully monitor your health and nutrition, then steatohepatosis of the liver can be easily prevented. This is much easier than treating the already developed disease.

How to prevent the appearance of liver infiltration

There is a certain list of measures to prevent the disease from manifesting itself.

  1. Activity. With a sedentary lifestyle in the bodythe outflow of liquids is disturbed, as a result of which their stagnation in the blood vessels, gall bladder, stomach leads to decay. This process contributes to the appearance in the body of pathogenic flora, causing diseases of various etiologies.
  2. Balanced diet. Any shift in the balance of nutrientslead to a violation of metabolic processes. With a vegetarian diet, in most cases, the steatohepatosis of the liver develops due to a lack of proteins that are necessary for proper carbohydrate metabolism. Excessive consumption of carbohydrates or fats also leads to the deposition of fat in the liver cells due to its lack of demand in metabolic processes.
  3. The right drink. For liver health, it is necessary to minimize or eliminate the use of carbonated drinks and alcohol.

steatohepatosis treatment

Since the liver performs many different functionsin the body, it is extremely important for its normal operation. Purification, normalization of the balance of hormones, participation in digestive processes, maintenance of blood composition is only a small part of the functional abilities of the liver. With any change in her work, the vital activity of the whole organism is violated, including blood supply to the organs, digestion and brain activity.

Stages of the disease

First, excessive fat accumulates in the hepatocyte,which then grows large and tears the liver cell. After the destruction of the hepatocyte, a fatty cyst is formed. It helps to replace liver tissue on fibrous tissue, resulting in cirrhosis of the liver.

steatohepatosis treatment with folk remedies

The conditions of modern life contribute to the fact thatthe population is spreading steatohepatosis. Treatment with folk remedies can lead to negative consequences (especially if you do not take into account the recommendations of the doctor), because in addition to affecting the liver, medicinal herbs can adversely affect other internal organs.

There are three stages of steatosis.

  1. Obesity of the hepatocyte - while the liver cells are not destroyed, the functioning of the body is practically not broken.
  2. Necrobiosis of hepatocytes - because of accumulation of fats, cells die, cysts are formed, mesenchymal-cell reaction occurs.
  3. The pre-cirrhotic stage - the connective tissue of the organ is replaced by the mesenchymal stage.

steatohepatosis symptoms

If the liver is not treated properly, a fatal outcome is possible for the patient.

Symptoms of fatty liver

If steatohepatosis is detected at the initial stage of the disease, its symptoms may be weak or absent altogether, since painful sensations are not observed in the lesions of this organ.

However, as steatohepatosis develops:

  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • lack of appetite;
  • heaviness in the right hypochondrium.

At the first stage of the disease, weakness and drowsiness may appear, coordination is disrupted, speech and performance problems are noted.

At the second stage there are jaundice, diathesis, digestive problems, ascites (abdominal edema), edema, weakness.

The third stage of hepatic insufficiency is characterized by a disturbance of metabolic processes and a structural change in hepatocytes. This can lead to convulsions, exhaustion, loss of consciousness, coma.

Diagnosis and therapy of fatty degeneration

In carrying out routine laboratory tests it is impossible to detect this disease. To detect fatty dystrophy is possible only with the help of ultrasound or the method of laparoscopy.

nonalcoholic steatohepatosis

It is necessary to diagnose steatohepatosis in time. Treatment should be a comprehensive system:

  • elimination of causes that caused liver infiltration;
  • restoration of cellular structure;
  • normalization of the functionality of the body;
  • prevention of cirrhosis;
  • elimination of digestive diseases;
  • detoxification of the body and its recovery.

With these methods, you can successfully curesteatohepatosis. What else can it add? Observance of the correct diet, physical activity have a great influence on the vital activity and health of the body.

Steatomatomatosis: treatment

Elimination of the disease consists in changinglifestyle and normalization of metabolic processes in the body. If you start treatment before the appearance of changes in the tissue of the body, the elimination of fat drops from the hepatocytes occurs quite quickly. Intensive therapy and maintenance of a proper diet promote rapid recovery and the absence of relapses.

Often people seek to eliminate steatohepatosis independently. Treatment with folk remedies can be used, however, only with the regular supervision of a doctor.

The disease can take a whole year oreven more, depending on the individual characteristics and the general state of the body. It is recommended, after recovery during the year, to undergo regular examinations that will help monitor the liver and metabolic processes in it.

Only at the last stage it is extremely difficult, evenalmost impossible, to stop the steatohepatosis of the liver. Treatment may not yield positive results, and the only chance of recovery will be a healthy organ transplant from a suitable donor.

Features of the diet for fatty degeneration

Initially, it is necessary to normalizethe supply of nutrients and to provide them the body in the required amount, to restore metabolic processes associated with fat and cholesterol, thus, be able to stop steatogepatoz.

What will it give? If you reduce the use of spices and fats to seventy grams per day, but at the same time saturate the body with a lot of fiber, vitamins, liquid, complex carbohydrates, then structural violations will quickly be eliminated.

Which products should I prefer?

Proper nutrition is the main factor that allows you to quickly cure steatohepatosis. What does this mean and what products can I use first?

steatohepatosis liver treatment

The basis of the daily diet should be vegetables,cereals, dairy products, lean meat or fish. Any processing of products should be carried out only on steam, at cooking or baking. It is completely necessary to exclude fried dishes.

It is important to remember that when you have any symptoms of the disease, you need to urgently seek medical help and not self-medicate.

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