Allergy on the face: how to recognize what to do, how to prevent.

In most cases, allergies can not be confusedwith inflammatory processes of some other nature. It is not like acne, with teenage eruptions, too, has nothing to do. Seasonal allergy on the face appears mainly in connection with the flowering of allergen plants or the appearance of berries and fruits that cause such a negative reaction. To recognize the problem of an allergic nature, there are enough attentive observations. If from year to year in the strawberry season you have an allergy on your face, then you should think about excluding this berry from the diet. But the allergic reaction to pollen is more expressed by seasonal rhinitis, if there is an allergy on the face, in most cases this means that there was a skin contact with the substance that caused this reaction.

To determine which substance isallergen, do not have to do home experiments. Suspicious inflammation, redness is already a sufficient reason to consult a specialist. The dermatologist can easily determine the source of the problem, because it can be a fungal infection or still an allergy on the face. Treatment in this case begins with a diagnosis, an allergic reaction indicates that the immune system considers some substance as an aggressor, and actively produces histamines designed to protect you.

Before thinkinglessly taking antihistamine,It is worth to find out what substance causes such a reaction. The fact that the body should be trusted, because the allergy on the face can be a symptom of contact with dangerous substances. Well, if the reaction is just an excessive "vigilance" of your immunity, but if not, it is better to visit a specialist and find out what the problem is.

In addition to the usual hives, there may also beallergic edema of the face, and this is a more disturbing symptom. Such edema is observed throughout the body as a whole, and is not necessarily localized on the face. Just under the clothes discreetly, but any changes in the face become visible first of all to others. The danger of the situation is that edema can lead to corresponding changes in the respiratory tract, the so-called Quincke's edema can quickly lead to death. Vigilance allows you to quickly and effectively determine that an allergy on the face is a kind of warning signal, and not react to the signal is a real levity.

Often an allergic reaction occurs afteruse of new cosmetics for women or new shaving aids for men. In any case, with the appearance of anxiety symptoms, it is better to cancel skin contact with any substances, and go to the dermatologist along with cosmetics and other skin care products. Probably, information about the substances that make up the product can tell a lot to the specialist. Do not forget to tell the doctor if you are taking any medications, undergo medical treatment, use any form of contraception, except for the barrier.

For the treatment of the consequences of allergy extremelyit is recommended to use only hypoallergenic cosmetics, if possible, it is also worth noting. Do not dry the skin with soap in the hope that this will help to quickly eliminate the visual problem, or lubricate the stains with baby cream. The doctor will give a detailed consultation, because in fact allergic rashes on the face are a symptom, not a cause. As soon as contact with the allergen stops, the skin reaction disappears, but to treat it separately is meaningless and dangerous. A timely visit to a specialist will quickly return your skin a radiant and healthy appearance.

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