How to get rid of caries

Dental caries occurs with poor cavity hygienemouth. Dental plaque accumulating on the surface of the teeth, feeds bacteria that from sugar and starch create an acid that causes damage to the enamel - the protective coating of the tooth. When the damage progresses, the tooth gradually deteriorates, and soon problems such as toothache, bad breath, excessive sensitivity, gum disease and even tooth loss appear.

How to get rid of tooth decay? For this it is sufficient to use some simple tips:

1. Carry out fluoride treatment of the oral cavity. Fluoride is an important mineral for dental health. He helps the enamel to be stronger and protects it from tooth decay. Fluoride also helps in the treatment of damage to the teeth. If you notice that the cavity in the tooth has started to form, early treatment with fluoride will help restore the state of your enamel. Note that fluoride gels, liquid solutions or foams are more effective than toothpastes and mouthwashes.

2. Visit the dentist for restoration of the damaged part of your tooth. When caries it is partially destroyed, and the dentist can restore the original shape of the tooth with the help of special composite materials. When the process is completed, the tooth will look like a new one.

3. How to get rid of caries if the tooth is very badly damaged? It makes sense to put a crown on it. This process involves the removal of the damaged and weakened parts of the tooth, which will then be replaced by a crown consisting of porcelain and resembling a real tooth in appearance. It can also be made of metal or of gold.

4. If there is pain, then perhaps you need root canal treatment. In this case, the dentist removes the rotten parts of the tooth together with the affected nerve and vascular tissue. The deleted part is then replaced with a seal. In some cases, you will need to install a crown in addition.

5. The first alternative to traditional fillings is the gel for tooth regeneration - since 2010 it is under investigation and testing. This gel has great prospects in the treatment of caries, healing teeth by regenerating cells. For about a month, he stimulates the restoration of the dental cells, thus cleaning the cavities. However, this method is in the testing stage, so it will not be soon available to everyone.

6. How to get rid of tooth decay if none of these methods help? There is only one way - to remove the tooth. Later this gap will need to be filled with a dental implant, because a free space helps to increase the distance between the teeth.

How to get rid of caries at home without going to the dentist?

Unfortunately, if the process of cavity formation inthe tooth has already begun, avoid treatment at the dentist will not work. And the sooner this is done, the better. But if the cavity is just starting to form, it's worth trying the following:

- Brush your teeth after every meal. For this, a special toothpaste from caries and dental floss should be used. Make sure that there are no leftovers in the cavity, using a toothpick (be careful - this is only for very small holes) and drink plenty of milk.

- Twice a day, rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda.

Almost everyone who has caries has certainhabits in the diet associated with excessive consumption of sugar. As research shows, this in 95% of cases is the cause of problems with the teeth! If you can change the diet, refuse to use sugar in any form, the caries stops and does not spread further.

And remember! If a hole in the tooth has already formed, it will never pass by itself!

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