Sea buckthorn. Contraindications and useful properties

In nature, there are many different berries,which due to its composition have a beneficial effect on the human body. The sea-buckthorn belongs to such berries. There are contraindications to her use, but the benefits for the body are immeasurably greater than harm.

Seabuckthorn is a dense shrub,which in height can reach 5 m. The yellow-orange berries of this plant are so densely located on the branches that they literally stick to them. It is because of this sea buckthorn and got its name.

The berries of sea-buckthorn are very useful, because they havea lot of vitamins and minerals: vitamin E, provitamin A, nicotinic acid, vitamins B2, B3, B1, and the content of vitamin C of sea-buckthorn leaves far behind even lemons.

Such vitamin composition of berries favorsThe fact that sea buckthorn for colds is used quite often. For example, if you suffer from cough, then inhalation with sea-buckthorn helps to get rid of it. During the runny nose, sea buckthorn oil is buried in the nose, and in order to restore immunity, the sea buckthorn oil can even be taken inside.

Sea buckthorn is often prescribed inside with ulcersstomach and duodenum, as well as with reduced immunity and beriberi. Sea buckthorn oil helps a lot and with some skin diseases. And at rheumatism to a sore point compresses from leaves of this plant are applied.

Such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids,known to many people. There are a lot of ways to treat it. One of them is the conservative method, i.e. treatment with rectal suppositories, which contain various drugs. However, not all of them are useful as a whole for the organism, because sometimes can cause irritation of the rectal mucosa.

However, among such candles there are also suchwhich practically do not have any side effects and they can be used even by women who are in a state of pregnancy. To them just refer rectal suppositories with sea-buckthorn. They have antimicrobial, wound-healing and fortifying effect.

This is her, the sea-buckthorn. There are, of course, contraindications to her, as well as any other product. Here we must remember that the buckthorn contains BAS (biologically active substances), which means that in some cases and with excessive use of sea-buckthorn, they can cause severe allergies.

In addition, sea buckthorn, contra-indications forthe use of which is currently being considered, will be undesirable for those people who suffer from diseases of the pancreas, liver and have gastrointestinal problems. This is primarily due to the fact that there are a lot of acids in the sea-buckthorn that irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa.

To cook at home, sea-buckthornoil, it is necessary to squeeze out the juice from the collected sea buckthorn berries. The pulp should be well dried, then chop and pour the sunflower oil in a ratio of 1: 1.5. You must insist 20 days, stirring occasionally. At the end of the infusion, drain the liquid and place it in the refrigerator for storage.

Before applying sea buckthorn oil onthe surface of the skin, it is necessary to first cleanse the skin of dirt, then apply a few drops of oil to the damaged area and apply a bandage to the wound. If ulcers are treated in this way on the skin, they should be washed with a solution of penicillin.

Whatever it was, but still a sea buckthorn,the contraindications to which we indicated above, in general is quite useful for a person berry. Therefore, even if a person feels completely healthy, one should not neglect the useful properties of this berry.

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