Useful breakfast

Each of us has a different day. Someone likes to sleep longer, and someone gets up early and gets down to business. However, despite the differences in character and way of life, the morning should begin at all approximately the same. For a start - a small gym, water procedures and, of course, a healthy breakfast. The importance of the first for the day of food adoption has long been recognized and is not disputed by anyone. People who are suffering from obesity are advised to eat in the morning. A delicious and healthy breakfast will not only finally awaken your body, but will also charge it with energy for the first half of the day.

Unfortunately, many neglect these tips. For breakfast, they do not have enough time or desire, and lunch during the working day is rarely full. In the end, after coming home in the evening, a person eats a daily rate of food and, of course, gaining weight. In addition, the lack of breakfast is fraught with a decline in strength, inadequate performance, dysfunction of the digestive, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

healthy breakfast

A healthy breakfast should contain 2/3 of the dailynorms of carbohydrates, 1/5 fats and 1/3 of proteins. It should be as tight as possible and contain slowly digestible carbohydrates. They permanently saturate our body and normalize the metabolism. As a result, the well-being improves, the work of all systems is established. A healthy, healthy breakfast contributes to all this.

delicious and healthy breakfast

Tasty and useful to eat in the morning an omelet withvegetables. It can be zucchini, tomatoes, onions, peppers, mushrooms, beans and so on. Be sure to prepare a fresh salad. It can include: pepper, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, radish, herbs, onions. It should be filled with sour cream or olive oil, you can add a little salt to taste. Some find it difficult to imagine a healthy breakfast without cereal (oatmeal, corn, pearl barley, wheat, barley, buckwheat). You can cook it both on water and on milk. For a change, you can add honey, dried fruits, nuts. If you do not like sweets, then prepare for a porridge a piece of lean boiled meat, poultry or fish. It should be without spices and, of course, without ketchup and mayonnaise.

If you do not imagine life without dessert, thenfor you best suited syrniki, sweet dumplings, pancakes. They can be served with sour cream, jam or honey. As a drink, try cocoa with milk, tea with lemon, milk and berry cocktail, yogurt, kefir, vegetable frash, compote from dried fruits. A sandwich of black bread with a slice of cheese, boiled egg, sausage will be appropriate here.

breakfast delicious and healthy

Each nation is useful in its own waybreakfast. Some countries have their own traditions. Everyone knows that the British prefer breakfast for breakfast oatmeal, tea with milk and boiled soft boiled egg. The French are happy to eat croissants in the morning and drink orange juice. The Italians are celebrating a new day with a sweet bun and a cappuccino. A typical American breakfast consists of hot chocolate and toast with ham or cheese. Inhabitants of Asia pamper themselves in the morning with salads from seafood or poultry and green tea. These traditions have evolved over centuries and are time-tested.

Everyone who cares about his health,should develop a habit of having a good breakfast. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully choose food products. Perhaps, for this you will have to get up a bit earlier, but be sure - the health is worth it!

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