"Motherwort Forte Evalar": reviews, advantages and disadvantages of the drug

In the life of any person inevitably happendifferent stressful situations. Sometimes unpleasant events are so strong that people feel that it is difficult for them to cope on their own. Any stress factor undermines the work of the nervous system and the body as a whole, especially in individuals with increased excitability and anxiety. Often, such people against a background of long and intense feelings, there is insomnia, irritability, depression. In such cases, sedatives will help cope with stress.

"Motherwort Forte": what is included in the preparation

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This medicine is a dietary supplement. It contains plant extract and vitamins (eg B6). One of the components of the drug is a substance such as magnesium. If you look at the information about the drug "Motherwort Forte Evalar", reviews about this drug, you can see that this chemical element makes the soothing effect more pronounced. Magnesium promotes the relaxation of muscles and the nervous system.

The most common form of issuing such aplant remedy, like motherwort, are considered to be drops or tea bags. However, many prefer the tablets from the company "Evalar", because they do not contain alcohol, are easier to carry, and also enriched with vitamins, beneficial for the work of the body.

When is it recommended to take this medicine?

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This article describes the actionpreparation "Motherwort Forte Evalar", instructions for use, reviews about the medicine. So, in what cases is the reception of these pills shown? According to the instructions, the drug is used in such situations as:

  • increased anxiety and excitability;
  • functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, for example, vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • fatigue;
  • decreased efficiency and concentration of attention;
  • sleep disorders.

The drug improves the body's ability to resist stress, as well as physical and emotional overload.

Women in the menopause may also take"Motherwort Forte." It improves sleep and normalizes metabolism. The medicine helps to lower the level of cholesterol and glucose, it helps the body to better absorb proteins coming from food.

How to apply the drug?

Data on the medicine "Motherwort Forte Evalar" andreviews about it contain information on the recommended dosage of the drug. It is necessary to take one or two tablets twice a day during meals. Duration of admission - from three to four weeks. Then you need to take a break. In case an additional course is required, it is better to consult a specialist before starting it.

It should be borne in mind that effective action"Motherwort Forte Evalar" is possible only in the absence of any serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. With intense and prolonged stress, the medicine does not give a tangible result. It does not help in case of belated treatment. So if a person has noticed signs of increased anxiety, excitability and insomnia, the drug should be taken as soon as possible.

When is the drug undesirable?

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"Motherwort Forte" is contraindicated in persons,suffering from intolerance to the components that make up the drug. In some, it causes indigestion, allergies. On the sites where the action of the drug "Motherwort Forte Evalar" is discussed, customer feedback contains information on such unpleasant side effects as vomiting, pruritus and rash. Fortunately, not all are facing this negative reaction of the body.

It must also be remembered that this drugIt can not be used for ulcers and erosions of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the acute phase of gastrointestinal diseases. Do not use it to pregnant and lactating women. It is important to strictly observe the storage conditions of the medicine, and also not to use the pills with expired shelf life.

In what cases is the "Motherwort Forte" ineffective?

About the drug "Motherwort Forte Evalar" reviews are very mixed and suggest that not in all situations the medicine is able to provide the desired result.

Do not expect improvement in the condition when taking the drug, if:

  • a person is diagnosed with neurosis, depression or neurasthenia;
  • treatment started too late;
  • The medicine is used recently (it must accumulate in the body to give a noticeable effect).

Some consumers in their reviews indicatethat during intense stress, shocks and violent sleep disturbances, their antidepressants were much better influenced by their antidepressants, which they took on the advice of the doctor.

A sedative during pregnancy

Side effects of the medicine "Motherwort ForteEvalar "and reviews about the drug worried about some women who are carrying a child. This is not surprising, because pregnancy is often accompanied by mood swings, excitability, depression, anxiety and sleep disorders. This period is extremely difficult for all women, especially working. And in spite of the fact that the instruction indicates that this means is undesirable during child-bearing and breast-feeding, in some cases, doctors still recommend it.

Motherwort helps reduce anxiety and fear,which often occur in pregnant women. Also, unlike tinctures based on this herb, the tablets do not contain alcohol and are a softer. In addition, the drug does not cause drowsiness, like many soothing drugs, and also contains vitamins useful during pregnancy.

Influence of "Motherwort Forte" on the body

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The drug has a beneficial effect on the nervoussystem, helping a person stay calm during periods of physical and emotional stress. In this case, the drug does not have such a side effect as drowsiness. So during the period of admission it is possible to drive and perform work that requires a high concentration of attention. Motherwort improves cardiac activity, relieves the symptoms of hypertension, reduces the risk of blood clots. The medicine is also useful for taking with the expansion of veins and heaviness in the legs. Also, the drug has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the process of digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Moreover, it improves the general state of health and physical condition, since it facilitates a quick sleep and a stronger sleep, relieves nervous tension, increases efficiency. But it should be remembered that, although this drug is a dietary supplement, before applying the "Motherwort Forte Evalar", reviews of doctors and consumers are necessary.

Opinions about the medicine

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Many consider this remedy a goodalternative to other soothing drugs. Especially since it is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. But about the preparation "Motherwort Forte Evalar" the reviews are extremely contradictory. Those who like the drug, talk about easy tolerability and the absence of pronounced side effects. As a virtue of this tool, its affordable price is often mentioned. Also, the drug can reduce blood pressure and significantly improve sleep. In addition, the tablets contain magnesium and vitamins. But the comments about the preparation "Pustyrnik Forte Evalar" do not always reflect its positive properties. As inadequacies of this remedy, inefficiency is usually mentioned in cases of prolonged or severe stress, a depressive state. In such situations, tablets should be used only in complex therapy. In addition, "Motherwort Forte" reduces the pressure - this negatively affects the health of people prone to hypotension.

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