What are the signs of liver disease?

The liver is the largest gland in the bodyrights. This is a kind of chemical laboratory for cleaning and neutralizing all the toxic elements that come to us from outside. The weight of the liver is on average up to two kilograms, so this body occupies almost a third of the abdominal cavity. Its role in the metabolism and functioning of the body is enormous. This is the only anatomical structure that can regenerate itself quickly and completely painlessly, it was even jokingly called the "tail of a human body's lizard" because of this unique ability to self-repair. However, a person is arranged in such a way that he does not care much about the state of his own internal organs when they regularly serve him. Therefore, many subjects "zashlakovyvayut" their own body chemicals, which are abundant in alcohol, surrogates, food additives, medicines, etc. Sooner or later, but this negligent attitude towards one's own nature makes itself felt at some point.

Signs of liver disease, whether acutethis is a process or already chronic, begin to manifest itself with the fact that a person has periodic painful sensations or a feeling of heaviness in the region of the right hypochondrium. Sometimes pain can be masked for the disease of another organ, which also belongs to the digestive system. It may be similar to gastritis or pancreatitis, it may be that the patient will seem to have had an increased formation of gases in the intestine.

Signs of liver disease on thisare limited. With the progression and rapid development of the pathological condition, the patient can change the color of the skin from the usual to the icteric. The sclera of the eyes, that is, their white part, also becomes at first slightly jaundiced, or in the medical language "icteric", later it acquires an intense yellow, sometimes even saffron color. In addition to the skin, the color spectrum changes in the products of the human body: the color becomes colorless (if it is a mechanical form of the hepatitis), and the urine has the color of dark beer. However, signs of liver disease on the skin with a change in color do not end there. Skin discoloration always accompanies skin itching. With liver diseases, a lot of liver enzymes are secreted into the bloodstream, which provokes the response of the skin receptors, which is manifested by painful and incessant pruritus.

The following signs of liver disease areconfusion and a sense of apathy. The products of decay of the hepatic tissue massively enter the bloodstream and with the blood flow reach the structures of the brain, exerting a pronounced toxic effect. Doctors call such phenomena "hepatic encephalopathy". The patient becomes sluggish, sedentary, refuses to accept the food he is prescribed, always asleep. If you do not take urgent measures, then a hepatic coma may occur.

Signs of liver disease should be known to everyonemedical worker to start adequate treatment in time, and also be able to differentiate various forms of hepatitis, because the tactics of carrying out therapeutic measures with different variations of jaundice are significantly different. If it is parenchymal hepatitis, then most likely it was caused by a viral infection (hepatitis A, B, C, E, D), so the patient must be immediately isolated to avoid an outbreak of the disease. If jaundice is mechanical, then immediate surgical intervention is required to restore the patency of the biliary tract. And if hepatitis is medicinal, it is desirable to stop taking medication that caused it and begin an adequate detoxification therapy with hepatoprotective agents.

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