Prophylaxis of prostatitis - a warning for every man

We live at a time when doctors notea very high incidence of prostatitis among men over 50. This disease, in addition to unpleasant symptoms, has even more serious consequences - against prostate cancer prostate cancer can develop. In the US alone, approximately 300,000 cases of prostate cancer resulted in the death of 41,000 patients. Also, according to some estimates of scientists, every third man from 60 to 69 years of age will develop this form of cancer, and by 80-89 years they will get sick 67% of men. That's why the treatment and prevention of prostatitis is an important part of caring for men's health.

Prophylaxis of prostatitis

Preserve the prostate gland from youth, andit means that throughout his life a man should not forget that some factors and conditions of his life can act on this important organ disastrously.

How is prostatitis recognized?

Typically, it is a pain in the bladder and in the sacrum, fever, pain when urinating. Edema of the gland can make it difficult to extract urine.

There are two types of prostatitis:

  • Bacterial prostatitis. In this case, the infection enters the body through the urethra and causes inflammation of the prostate. This type of disorder can be acute and chronic. To save can a moralistic way of life and fidelity to his wife.
  • Abacterial prostatitis. The cause is often not clear and this form of prostatitis occurs in the vast majority of all cases of the disease. Therefore, the prevention of prostatitis comes to the fore to prevent an ailment.

What measures include the prevention of prostatitis?

  • · Even if there are no complaints, men over the age of 40 must undergo a routine checkup twice a year. Early diagnosis is the key to successful subsequent treatment.
  • · Because the inflammatory process is oftenoccurs when supercooling, then doctors recommend avoiding sitting on cold surfaces, working in unheated rooms (welders, builders, sellers, etc.). Winter fishing and winter swimming, extreme sports events, swimming pools and sauna are risk factors that should be avoided.
  • · The immobile lifestyle is fatalat the prostate gland. Therefore, do not allow prolonged sitting at work. This applies to professional drivers and office workers, who are experiencing stagnant phenomena.
  • · Watch the work of the intestines, not allowing constipation.
  • · The bladder should normally be emptied about 5 times a day, do not forget about it and empty it more often.
  • · Do not start treatment of sexually transmitted infections and do not lead a promiscuous sexual life - keep moral purity.
  • · Get ​​rid of bad habits that destroyyour health, weakening the body's resistance. Alcohol abuse and smoking, along with stress, are detrimental to the functioning of the prostate gland.
  • · Avoid permanently traumatic situations - riding a motorcycle, bicycle and on horseback.
  • · Fight with chronic diseases - osteochondrosis, gastrointestinal diseases, caries, tonsillitis, bronchitis, cardiovascular diseases.
  • • Eat correctly and regularly. Prophylaxis of prostatitis as well as other diseases begins with the consumption of vitamins, minerals and a balanced diet. Do not get carried away with fatty foods - it can cause prostate cancer.
  • · Physical education (tourism, walking, etc.) and exercises, in which the pelvic floor muscles are reduced, will help to restore the body fully and keep it healthy.

Although this is a serious disease - prostatitis, prevention can help reduce the risk of this disorder.

If you become eager to take care of your health, then for your family you will always be a support, not a burden.

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