Choose an analog of "Amoxiclav"

Recently, rarely when the treatment is successfulavoid antibiotics. Side effects of such drugs are so eerie sound that many patients, after reading the instruction, refuse to admit. However, this is fundamentally wrong. Yes, the negative effect of such drugs actually is, doctors do not deny it, but the consequences of neglected infectious inflammations can be much more terrible.

Why antibiotics are so important?

Disease-causing microorganisms are sodeveloped that in most cases they no longer respond to antibiotics in its pure form. And here the aid of the new generation will come to the rescue, in which the composition is supplemented with components preventing the premature disintegration of active substances and acting precisely in the place of the lesion. One of these drugs is the "Amoxiclav" remedy.

analogue of amoxyclav
The analogue of the Russian pharmaceutical market is alsoIt has. It is a medicine "Augmentin". Also to the means with such an action is the medicine "Sumamed". They also have a wide range of effects and advanced components. Such combined formulations make it possible to directly affect several types of pathogens.

In which cases is the

Analog "Amoxiclav" and he himself areantibiotics of wide use, are prescribed for various infectious lesions of bacterial origin. Often, with such diseases without such drugs simply can not do. But before he is appointed, the doctor must send the patient to undergo a series of examinations that will help to identify the sensitivity of bacteria to a particular composition. After this, it will be possible to decide whether to choose an antibiotic: an analog of "Amoxiclav" or a synonym.

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Both are used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • diseases of ENT organs (sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, otitis);
  • ailments of the upper and lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, abscesses);
  • gynecological and urological diseases (adnexitis, cystitis, nephritis, prostatitis);
  • intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery);
  • infectious infections of the skin and soft tissues.

How to replace the drug "Amoxiclav"

Analogues cheap and expensive differ not onlyprice. As a rule, low-price antibiotics are not new generation drugs, which have already been mentioned above. Therefore, such treatment may be ineffective, but these side effects can be fully tested. Analog "Amoxiclav" should be selected based on the action of the drug and its constituents.

An identical replacement may be a medicine"Augmentin", which also consists of clavulanic acid and amoxicillin. If you want to change the composition, you should choose the so-called synonym of the drug, which is similar in effect, but has another active component, for example, "Sumamed" medication. It is the same wide-spectrum antibiotic, but its main component is azithromycin.

analogous to amoxiclav

Analog "Amoxiclav" is an order of magnitude higher,therefore, if the doctor appointed this particular drug, but he was not in one of the pharmacies, for the sake of economy, you can search for it. Also, it is not necessary without the advice of the attending physician to decide on the replacement himself. This can lead to undesirable consequences, which will affect not only the financial situation, but also health.

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