Treatment of mastopathy at home - the path to recovery

Unfortunately, the disease is mastopathy with eachan increasing number of women are being subjected to the year. At first glance, many may think that this disease does not represent any danger to women's health. But anyway, and statistics show that as a result of complications of mastopathy you have to remove the cyst or the affected area of ​​the breast.

The main signs of mastopathyis the compaction of the mammary glands shortly before the onset of the menstrual cycle. As a rule, as a result of hormonal disorders of the female body, mastopathy of the mammary glands occurs, the treatment of which requires a serious and integrated approach. This disease requires mandatory intervention of specialists, although sometimes, even at early stages of development, it is possible to treat mastitis in the home.

Physicians explain the occurrence of such athe morbid state of the mammary glands in that by nature a woman is programmed for a large number of births and frequent breastfeeding. But the average woman for her life gives birth to 2-3 children, or even less, so the body accumulates estrogen - a female hormone, the excess of which leads to densification of the mammary glands.

Treatment of mastopathy at home shouldhave a comprehensive approach, because one tool can not cope with such a serious illness. Cabbage leaves are effectively used: they are applied to the affected areas at night, which are pre-lubricated with butter. It is common in the home treatment of beetroot mastopathy, which is rubbed on a fine grater, after which it is thoroughly mixed with honey, and is applied to the cabbage leaf. This tool also needs to be put on the breast for a whole night.

It is widely known to treat mastitis in the homeconditions and many herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antitumoral effects. Many women managed to get rid of the disease, taking half an hour before eating celandine juice. After that, be sure to drink plenty of water. Drink the juice of a healing plant for a month, then make a ten-day break and again repeat the course several times.

But we need to take into account the fact that not all womencan use this method of treatment, because the celandine should be very carefully taken by patients suffering from high acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, every morning before drinking celandine, you need to drink a glass of carrot juice, because it is able to normalize the level of acidity in the body for the next 15 hours.

It is considered very effective treatment of mastopathy inat home using burdock juice. To do this, you need 350 ml of juice from large burdock leaves, which are then poured into 150 ml of vodka. After mixing the components, this composition should be put in a cold place for a while. You need to use this infusion every day, while diluting it well with water.

Effective against this female ailment is alsois considered a set of herbs: mint, valerian, caraway, fennel, chamomile flowers, which are taken over a tablespoon and poured with boiling water. After aging for about half an hour, you should drink to a marked improvement in the woman's health status.

Since ancient times in the people in the treatment of mastopathywas the famous following recipe: fennel seeds brew in a glass of milk, then insist for 2 hours. This infusion should be drunk several times a day for half a cup before meals.

Many other treatments are knownmastopathy both with the help of traditional medicine, and folk. But the choice of a method of treatment is always made individually, proceeding from features of a female organism.

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