Bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle.

A female organism is a very complex chain of hormonal interactions, so if one chain is undermined, the entire connection is broken.

The average female cycle is 28 days, withThis 5-7 days of them there is a rejection of the epithelium - menstruation. The cyclicity of the process depends on many factors, including weather. Thus, it becomes clear that a menstrual disorder can occur even with a common cold.

One manifestation of such a violation may bedischarge with blood in the middle of the cycle. This occurs as a result of uneven maturation of the endothelium of the uterus, or with hormonal failure. Partial rejection of the epithelium may indicate that inflammation begins in the uterus.

Causes of intermenstrual secretions.

  1. Bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle canarise due to the rupture of the envelope of the growing follicle during ovulation. Usually bleeding is not copious and is accompanied by a single sharp pain. In some situations, doctors can diagnose ovarian apoplexy, which can be microscopic and extensive. In this case, a woman should watch at the medical institution at least 24 hours.
  2. Stress and depression can also causespotting in the middle of the cycle. This is due to the fact that the connection with the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for the formation of the initial link of the menstrual cycle of a woman, is broken. Thus, any unfavorable factor affecting a woman's psyche, but not affecting her physical health, can cause the development of intermenstrual bleeding, or vice versa, the absence of endometrial rejection.
  3. Hormonal disorders and spotting inmid-cycle have a clear relationship between each other. Most women know that any hormonal imbalance leads to a change in the number and duration of "menstrual". That is why endocrine diseases and disruption of the internal organs are accompanied by an irregular cycle.

Often gynecologists meet with the situation,when a woman begins or ends taking hormonal contraceptives, and she has unusual discharges between "monthly" contraceptives. This process can be called physiological if the discharge is not abundant and ceases after a few days.

Abortions, miscarriages and premature births arealso a violation of the hormonal background of the female body. In this situation, the discharge in the middle of the cycle can be accompanied by pain, weight in the lower abdomen. If a woman notices that the amount of blood given out increases or pain increases, then it is necessary to consult a doctor, as extensive bleeding can begin.

It must be said that in the first weeks of pregnancy(when a woman is not yet aware of her condition), partial rejection of the endometrium may also occur, but these excretions can not be called menstruation. Sometimes doctors are faced with a situation where a pregnant woman begins a miscarriage, which she takes as the beginning of delayed "menstrual", which can lead to serious complications.

  1. Every woman should know that any smallGynecological manipulations can provoke spotting in the middle of the cycle. This includes: setting the intrauterine device, cauterizing the cervix in any way, scraping, removing polyps and even transvaginal ultrasound. Therefore, if you have any unusual discharge, but at the same time the day before you underwent any examination, do not rush to panic. These bloody discharge should stop after 24 hours, if they become more abundant, or accompanied by sharp soreness, it is better to consult a doctor.
  2. Bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle, which bother the woman regularly, may be a consequence of PPI, so it is best to go through a series of studies on the presence of pathogenic microorganisms.

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