Bleeding after abortion

Any abortion can lead tothreat to the life and health of the woman herself. Therefore, all abortions, which are conducted outside the clinic, are usually called criminal. Even if everything went well, the possibility of developing complications is not ruled out.

But even if all medical norms are observeddoctors can not guarantee that the operation will not entail complications. Like any surgical intervention, abortion entails certain changes in the body, in particular, it can cause bleeding.

Bleeding after medical abortion isa normal phenomenon only when it arose within one day after taking pills aimed at aborting the pregnancy. Hormonal drugs lead to fetal death and rejection of the endometrium, and prostaglandins stimulate the contractile function of the uterine muscles, which causes abdominal pain and increased blood volume.

If there is bleeding after abortion,carried out with the help of medication, it manifests itself in the form of smearing excretions. This is considered the norm. In case of prolonged bleeding, special preparations may be prescribed. When this does not help, the likelihood of complications is high. It is necessary to consult a doctor for etiology. Among the possible causes that cause profuse bleeding after an abortion, there may be a clotting disorder. There are also cases of incomplete abortion: part of the fetus remains in the uterus and causes anxiety. The main sign of this is acute pain in the lower abdominal cavity.

As a rule, bleeding after an abortion,performed surgically, occur much more often than after taking medication. This phenomenon often indicates damage to the mucosa or perforation of the uterus. Signs of these complications are severe abdominal pain. If the level of blood loss is high, it is possible to raise the temperature to about 37.6 degrees, increase heart rate, decrease pressure and blanching of the skin.

If the condition after abortion is unsatisfactory,in addition to bleeding, there are purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor, this may be a sign of infection. In this case, you need to immediately take tests in the laboratory to determine the type of infection and prescribe a method for its treatment.

When bleeding after abortion is manifested ina kind of secretion of clots, and this lasts a long time, this may also be the reason for incomplete abortion. The remains of embryonic tissue provoke the development of inflammation and worsen the general condition of the woman: there is chills, fever, pain in the muscles, severe dizziness.

Still among the possible reasons causingbleeding, called the presence of chronic diseases and inflammation of the genitals. In this case, infection occurs after using non-sterile instruments or there is an exacerbation of already existing diseases.

Remember that as a result of abortion, the walls of the uterus are damaged, which are thinned and become a good medium for the development of infection in the future.

If there is any bleeding that comes outbeyond the norm, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination (ultrasound, blood tests and smear). Sometimes, when medications do not lead to an improvement in the condition, an operation is prescribed.

As restorative therapy after eliminationbleeding appoint the reception of vitamin complexes, immunomodulators and foods that contain a lot of iron (buckwheat, liver beef, pomegranate). Since abortion causes a change in the hormonal background, hormones are recommended. All drugs are prescribed only in a complex application.

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