Gastritis, acute or chronic, isinflammatory disease of the mucosa (inner) membrane of the stomach. More than half of the adult population of the world suffers from chronic gastritis, and every year the number of such people grows. In most cases, first a person develops an acute gastritis, the symptoms of which are very characteristic. And, if the treatment was not started in a timely manner or was wrong, the gastritis turns into a chronic form, excruciating by systematic exacerbations.
Gastritis: symptoms and diagnosis
Manifestation of gastritis is possible at almost any age. To guard against a person and his loved ones should the following symptoms:
To accurately diagnose gastritis, the symptoms of whichthe gastroenterologist as a result of a complete examination, which includes the analysis of blood and feces, ultrasound, esophagogastroduodenoscopy (examination of part of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract by means of an optical fiber tube), mucosal biopsy, examination of the gastric secret, etc. Setting the right diagnosis and appropriate treatment will help prevent possible complications, such as ulcers and cancer, improve the quality of future life of the human ka.
Causes of stomach disease
In recent years, the long-approved series ofcauses of gastritis was added one more, many scientists considered the main, - the presence in the human body of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It is because of her often develop gastritis and treatment, respectively, should be aimed at its destruction.
Among the secondary causes of gastritis can be called:
Prevention and treatment of gastritis
To prevent gastritis, it is necessary to eliminate,as far as possible, causes it. So, it is known that the Helicobacter pylori bacterium is transmitted from person to person by oral and everyday way. Most often this occurs even in early childhood, when adults feed the baby with their spoon, lick the nipple. It is important to have a correct and balanced diet according to the regime, preferably frequent meals with a small amount of food. Products should be fresh, well-prepared, with a minimum of preservatives and other non-natural substances. It is unacceptable to swallow large pieces of food that are not sufficiently processed in the oral cavity. Food on dry day, fast food should be a rare exception in the case when healthy food is not available. You can not abuse strong spirits and take uncontrolled medications. You need to take care of your inner peace and soul balance, avoiding stressful situations.
Naturally, not to miss the beginninggastritis, symptoms can not be overlooked. Abdominal pain and a few accompanying symptoms from the list above is already a serious reason to call a specialist who, depending on the type of gastritis and the reduced or increased acidity of the gastric juice, will prescribe the treatment. What to do with gastritis? Of course, follow all the recommendations of the doctor, especially the strictest diet, which can be slightly weakened after a period of exacerbation.
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