Symptomatology, causes and treatment of stomatitis in children

If you find a strange white coating on the childin the oral cavity, it can be stomatitis. Photo, treatment, causes and symptoms of the disease will be detailed in this article. So, the emergence and development of the problem can contribute to weak immunity, inflammatory process on the mucosa, improper hygiene of the mouth. However, the main causative agent of the disease is a pathogenic organism. Most often, the disease occurs in children, because they have insufficiently developed protective mechanism in the body, and the balance between useful and harmful bacteria can easily be disrupted. The cause of the appearance of pathology can be a burn of the oral mucosa, as well as viruses.

treatment of a child's stomatitis
Depending on the reasons that causedisease, stomatitis can be divided into traumatic, herpetic, bacterial and enterovirus. Each of these species requires its own treatment. In children aged 1 to 4 years, the second type of disease most often occurs. Before you begin treatment of stomatitis in a child, you should determine its type and symptoms.

Among the signs of the disease are the following: reddening of the mucosa, plaque, which is poorly cleaned, if it can be removed, then in its place can be formed wounds and sores, which cause the child a strong pain. At the same time the child refuses to eat, drink hot drinks, he can get the temperature.

stomatitis photo treatment
Sometimes around the mouth there are rashes. Treatment of stomatitis in a child should be started immediately, as the disease develops very quickly. In order to relieve the pain and start a fight with the pathogen, the doctor will prescribe special antibacterial or antimicrobial ointments. In addition, the child must adhere to a certain diet: eat vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, broths. Food should not be hard, so as not to hurt the baby. In addition, it should not be hot.

Treatment of stomatitis in a child can be carried out andat home, but from time to time it needs to be shown to the doctor. If the baby is breastfed, then do not wean it, although the number of feedings should be temporarily reduced. Sick children should use separate towels, dishes and toys.

Treatment of stomatitis in a child should be started immediately. Together with drug therapy, a baby can be prescribed immunostimulating drugs that can help prevent the recurrence of the disease. Naturally, it is impossible at this time not to take the child to a kindergarten or school, so as not to infect other children.

If your child has a history of stomatitis,people's treatment can also significantly help in getting rid of this problem. For example, a soda solution (1 small spoonful of soda for a glass of warm water) helps well. Using a cotton swab and a prepared liquid, you can wash the baby with a mucous membrane. A child of school age can already rinse his mouth with a decoction of calendula flowers. To eliminate wounds and sores, you can apply aloe leaves. If there are a lot of them, you should just chew the plant.

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