Ultrasound of the brain

Ultrasound of the brain in children is safeprocedure. It is indicated to all newborns who require resuscitation, intensive care, premature infants with intrauterine hypoxia, intrauterine infection. Birth trauma, the use of special obstetric aids, large or excessively low fetal weight, neurological symptoms also refer to pathology, which requires mandatory ultrasound. Currently, this method is used in almost all newborns in order to avoid changes that may occur after one year (after the closure of the fontanel).

Ultrasound of the brain is based on the application ofultrasonic waves, which represent mechanical vibrations characterized by a high frequency. They are completely harmless and painless. Therefore, this diagnostic procedure has no age limits. It can be done several times a day. Another advantage is the insignificant duration, which reaches five minutes, when assessing the state of the blood flow, it can reach twenty minutes.

Ultrasound of the brain does not require special preparation. The only condition is the patient's calm position, which is especially important for children.

This procedure is carried out under condition of openfontanels of the head. The study is carried out through the anterior fontanel. Thick bones do not miss ultrasound waves, which have a medium and high frequency, so it is impossible to spend ultrasound of the brain to children over one year old and adults.

In the study,additional access through the anterolateral and posterolateral fontanel, scales the temporal bone, which has a low thickness, a large occipital opening. They are used to study the structure of the posterior and central parts of the brain.

Diagnostic research makes it possible to recognizealmost any changes in the structure of the organ, identify specific neoplasms. Ultrasound of the brain does not allow to determine pathological diseases associated with genetic, biochemical, hormonal disorders. The main diseases that allow to identify this method: cysts, which are located in the vascular plexus, subependimally, in the arachnoid membrane, hydrocephalus, malformations of the organ, intracranial hemorrhages. In some cases, pathological conditions do not require treatment, but dynamic monitoring is necessary to exclude progression. These diseases include vascular plexus cysts. These formations are bubbles filled with liquid. This pathological condition has no significant clinical symptoms, most often without trace.

Subependymal cysts occur afterthe transferred hemorrhages in the given organ, and also at its ischemia. Usually, formations disappear without a trace, but in some cases they can increase significantly, so it is important to have an ultrasound scan of the brain in infants for several months.

The most dangerous are subarachnoidalcysts. They tend to spread throughout the arachnoid shell of the brain and usually do not resolve. The appearance and growth of cysts is not accompanied by the appearance of characteristic clinical symptoms.

Using ultrasoundalmost all defects of the brain are diagnosed. If such changes are detected, an in-depth study of the child's organism is necessary, as well as careful monitoring of the neuropathologist.

However, the most dangerous pathological conditions are intracranial hemorrhages and hydrocephalus. They require immediate treatment and constant monitoring from a neurologist.

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