"Curantil" 25 mg: instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

As indicated by the instructions for use,"Curantil" 25 mg is a vasodilator, aimed at myotropic effects. It has a inhibitory function on the aggregation of platelets, and also improves microcirculation. In the following article, you can find the description and instructions for using this medication. Below, analogues of "Kurantil" and generalized consumer testimonials about this medication will also be presented.

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Description of the drug "Kurantil"

According to the instructions for use, "Kurantil" 25mg in the pharmaceutical market has been known for a very long time. It is used in the role of an antianginal instrument, that is, drugs against angina pectoris, as well as antithrombotic and vascular protection agents.

"Kurantil" promotes vasodilatoreffect mainly on the small vessels of the heart, but in large doses, it is able to reduce resistance in the arterioles of the entire human body and leads to a decrease in blood pressure. Owing to the expansion of the diameter of the vessels, stimulation of blood circulation and improvement of the oxygen supply to the cells of the body occur, and, therefore, the harmful function of ischemia or hypoxia is leveled, which is often manifested in heart diseases. Its influence is directed to the formation of collaterals, which are bypasses in ischemic zones, the drug also improves the activity of the heart muscle, reducing arterial pressure. This is confirmed by the instructions for use attached to the "Kurantil" agent.

Among other things, it improves the processmicrocirculation of cerebral vessels, retina of the eye and kidneys. During pregnancy, it slows the dystrophic processes that occur in the placenta, while eliminating the hypoxia of the fetal tissues and restoring blood circulation. This is also indicated in the instructions to the "Kurantil" instruction.

Description of the drug and price are of interest to many.

In addition, this drugprevents the formation of thrombi and gluing of platelets, especially with the combined use of "Kurantil" along with acetylsalicylic acid. In the case of an increase in a single dose of the drug, the life time of platelets will decrease, as well as suppression of the propensity of an organism to form clots. This effect is applicable in the treatment of patients with deep vein thrombosis. Combined intake of acetylsalicylic acid is often prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment of atherosclerosis, and also to eliminate the factors of development of repeated strokes in patients with ischemia. This is indicated by the 25 mg Instruction for the "Kurantil" agent.

The main active ingredient isdipyridamole, which promotes the growth of production of interferon, that is, a protein that has a pronounced antiviral function. In this regard, the drug can be used as a means, whose action will be aimed at increasing the body's resistance to any viral infections.

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The indications of the "Kurantil" and the instruction on the application will be described in more detail below.

Another area of ​​application is thestress-echocardiography along with perfusion scintigraphy on the background of diagnosis of ischemic heart diseases among patients with unchanged coronary vessels. In this situation, the drug is used as a diagnostic tool that allows you to determine the state of the heart muscle, as well as the safety of the valve apparatus in conjunction with its contractile activity.

According to reviews, analogues of "Curantil" 25 mg can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Composition of the medicinal product

The main active element of "Kurantil" is dipyridamole. In addition to it, this preparation of myotropic action includes the following auxiliary substances and components:

  • sucrose;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • magnesium hydroxycarbonate;
  • talc and macrogol;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • carnauba wax;
  • quinoline yellow dye.

The composition of "Curantil" 25 mg is also indicated in the annotation.

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Instructions for use

"Curantil" is prescribed for adults and children whoover twelve years. In a suitable medicine, the category of patients includes representatives who have vascular disorders in the brain, heart, retina, kidneys, and deep vessels of the extremities. In the midwifery practice, this product is used in case of circulatory disorders in the placenta in pregnant women, or if the fetus nutrition conditions worsen. This confirms to the preparation "Kurantil" 25 and 75 instructions for use. The price depends on the dosage.

The most frequent indications for the appointment of medication to patients are:

  • Carrying out the therapy of coronary heart disease,postinfarction, or subacute myocardial risk, persistent angina pectoris, especially against the background of intolerance to the body of acetylsalicylic acid. With the abovementioned diseases, "Kurantil" can be prescribed for preventive purposes.
  • Preventive measures of thromboembolism, blockage of arteries and veins in the postoperative period as a result of the replacement of the heart valves.
  • Wide atherosclerosis in relation to cardiac vessels. What are the other indications in the "Kurantil" 25 mg.
  • Heart failure occurring at the compensation stage.
  • Hypertension of the second degree, or higher. Deterioration of blood circulation in the placenta, hypoxia of the developing fetus, as well as placental insufficiency.
  • Obliterating endarteritis.
  • Chronic insufficiency of circulatory functions in the brain, its infarction, encephalopathy discirculatory type.
  • Within the framework of complex therapy in the period of various microcirculatory failures.
  • In the role of immunomodulating instrument, that is inthe purposes of development of resistance of an organism to virus diseases in the periods of flu epidemics and ARVI. This confirms the instruction for the application to the means of "Kurantil".

Indications and doses are interrelated.


The prohibition on the use of the drug is valid for the following list of diseases in patients:

  • Any acute diseases that are caused by microcirculatory disorders, unstable or decompensated ailments, and, in addition, increased bleeding.
  • Young patients under the age of twelve years of age are not prescribed a drug, since there are insufficient data on the harmlessness of its nature for the child's organism.
  • Acute cerebral infarction or myocardium.
  • Severe or unstable angina.
    kurantil instructions for use similar composition
  • Renal, cardiac or liver failure, which is at the stage of decompensation.
  • Collapse, arterial hypotension, as well as probable syncope.
  • Presence of vegetative vascular dystonia according to the hypotonic type.
  • The pathology of the heart rhythm, that is, ventricular or atrial fibrillation and so on.
  • Obstructive diseases occurring in the bronchopulmonary system.
  • Subvalvular or in other words subaortic stenosis of the aorta.
  • Coronarosclerosis is a common type.
  • Propensity of the body to spontaneous bleeding, as well as to the presence of peptic ulcer and hemorrhagic diathesis.
  • Intolerance of the components of the drug.

This is indicated by the "Curantil" 25 mg instructions for use. The price is shown below.

Instructions for the use and dosage of a medicinal product

The dose of the drug "Kurantil" should be selected in direct proportion to the severity of the disease, as well as the individual reaction of a patient.

With ischemic heart disease, doctors appointtaking seventy-five milligrams three times a day. If necessary, the daily dose can be increased, but under the supervision of the treating specialist. This is confirmed by the instructions to the tablets "Kurantil". Price is of interest to many.

In order to prevent and treat pathologiesThe cerebral circulation is prescribed seventy-five milligrams from three to six times a day. The maximum daily dose for such indications should be four hundred and fifty milligrams.

To reduce the degree of aggregation of platelets"Kurantil" is prescribed in a dose of seventy-five to two hundred milligrams per day, which are calculated for several receptions. In severe situations, it can be increased to six hundred milligrams per day.

For prophylactic purposes for influenza andARVI, especially during epidemics, "Kurantil" drink fifty milligrams a day at one time. Thus, the drug is taken every seven days for four to five weeks.

In order to prevent recurrence of acute respiratory viral infections,suffering from respiratory infections of patients "Kurantil" appoint them a hundred milligrams a day, which is poured into a couple of tablets twice a day with an interval between use, which is one hundred and twenty minutes. The drug in this case should be taken every seven days for eight to ten weeks.

Tablets "Kurantil" are used on an empty stomach, while not biting, and not breaking, drink with a small amount of water. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the attending physician.

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Many are wondering whether the composition of the "Curantil" is unique.

The instructions for use do not describe analogs. They are also better to check with your doctor.

Drug analogues

By and large, the "Kurantil" has only oneanalogue, and we can say, even a synonym, we are talking about a tool that absolutely corresponds to it in all necessary parameters - it is "Dipiridamol". This analogue is produced by domestic manufacturers in a dosage of twenty-five and seventy-five milligrams per tablet.

"Kurantil" and "Dipiridamol" are completely identical. Not paying attention to the fact that dipyridamole acts as an active element in both cases, patients who are especially prone to allergic reactions should be aware of the fact that the auxiliary components often differ slightly depending on the manufacturer. For this reason, in the case of individual reactions exhibiting increased sensitivity, the replacement of "Kurantil" with this analogue may simply not suit one or another patient.

Of course, "Kurantil" is much more expensive thanany of its analogues of domestic production. For example, "Dipiridamol" for twenty-five milligrams in the package contains one hundred tablets, and its price is about four hundred rubles. A similar package of "Kurantila" will be issued for two hundred rubles more.

The doctor can also recommendreplacements and other means that do not act as synonyms and analogs, but can be used in the same list of diseases because of their effect against blood clots. We will dwell on them in more detail.

Other analogues

There are quite a few tools with similarimpact. In this case, you can start with the well-known "Pentoxifylline" and "Xanthinal" to new drugs, such as Clopidogrel. All of them are released according to the prescription of the attending physician. From the over-the-counter examples, the popular analogue of "Kurantil" is "Aspirin", as well as its derivatives and a number of preparations based on plant origin.

Absolutely everyone knows that, "Aspirin" may notonly to lower the temperature and eliminate headaches, but also reduces the viscosity of the blood. It is thanks to this that he, along with other analogues, can replace "Kurantil" with the appropriate indication of the attending physician. In order to dilute the blood, "Aspirin" is taken regularly, but in reduced doses. This is confirmed by the instruction for use. Analogues of "Kurantil" reviews are called different.

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Most people do not know that for "Aspirin"characterized by a large number of contraindications, as well as a significant list of side effects. Without medical consultation, its use can greatly shake the health of a person until death. It should be noted that "Kurantil" is transferred much easier than acetylsalicylic acid and does not have such harmful effects on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal system. However, in the price issue, "Curantil" unconditionally loses, because "Aspirin" costs only six rubles for ten tablets.

"Ginkgo biloba"

Another analogue for "Kurantil" - "Ginkgo Biloba." This is a non-prescription drug on a plant basis. It is made of a plant with anti-aggregation properties. This component, as a rule, is a part of very many food additives of the combined type, and, in addition, it is used as an independent preparation. It is quite popular in the domestic pharmaceutical market, but it is not approved in the US as a medicine. The minus of funds on the basis of this plant is a very large price range, which ranges from one hundred and twenty rubles to one and a half thousand, depending on the manufacturers, as well as the number of tablets in one package. Side effect of the drug does not have, except for a possible allergic reaction to the plant itself.


In the group of analogues "Curantila" is still"Eikonol", sold in the form of edible oil, or in capsules. The active component of this analogue is the omega-3 substance, which is derived from fish oil. These triglycerides also have a wide range of prices. But, if you buy omega-3 in the form of fish oil, it will be inexpensive, this type is distributed as an edible oil. Unlike the "Ginkgo Biloba", fish oil in the US is registered as an excellent remedy for heart treatment.

Reviews about the drug "Kurantil"

In general, according to reviews, patients whoprescribe "Kurantil" are satisfied with the results of their treatment. For example, it is said that this drug perfectly helps during a complex pregnancy, which in some patients occurs with fetoplacental insufficiency, as well as hypoxia in the fetus. In these cases, doctors appoint women "Kurantil." After a twenty-day course of treatment, as well as after routine prevention of this drug, pregnancy in patients is completed normally with the birth of a healthy child on time.

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Young mothers also leave positive feedbackabout "Kurantil", in which they say that thanks to the treatment with this remedy, they not only successfully completed their pregnancy, but in addition to this newborn children practically did not get sick during the first year of life. As the Instruction for Use indicates to the preparation "Kurantil", for the child it is completely safe.

Patients suffering from problems with the brainblood circulation, are also happy with the use of "Curantil". With such diagnoses, patients experience constant noise in the ears along with dizziness, and, in addition, vision falls. But thanks to the influence of "Kurantil", as people write in their comments, they were surprisingly much better, cheerfulness and vigor appeared. In addition, people share that some of them have significantly improved lung health with pneumosclerosis. Patients also note another positive effect on immunity, since after the course of treatment they became less likely to suffer from colds.


Thus, both doctors and patients converge onthe opinion that the remedy is a very effective and relatively harmless drug that perfectly copes with the appearance of thromboses, and, moreover, increases immunity.

We have reviewed 25 instructions for use, the price and reviews are also given to "Kurantil".

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