White coating on the tongue of the child

If one day you notice a white coating on the tongue of achild - do not rush to sound the alarm, but it is necessary to approach this issue seriously enough, since it is the color of the tongue that can be indicative of various diseases of the baby.

This body should normally be pale pinkcolor and have a smooth moist with velvety papillae surface. If the child is healthy, then in his language there should be no color changes, only minor at the base of the tongue is allowed, which is quite normal for absolutely healthy children. In this case, the white coating on the tongue of the child will disappear without a trace in the course of certain hygienic procedures.

Language is a mirror that canaccurately reflect the state of health. Therefore, pediatricians recommend that parents regularly and carefully examine this child's organ. It is advisable to perform the control in the morning - before any hygiene procedures have been carried out. If you notice a white scurf on the tongue (if it is dense and opaque), it is necessary to consult a pediatrician on this issue, which will establish the cause of its appearance and prescribe appropriate therapy.
If in the language of the kid you saw a gray filmcolor, then this may be a sign of impaired functions of the intestine, stomach, black color may indicate a malfunction in the liver, yellowish - a violation in the performance of the gallbladder.

Perhaps a white coating on the tongue of a babyis an indication that your baby is developing a thrush, for which he is typical. In this case, it resembles the shape and color of cottage cheese, covering not only the surface of the tongue, but also centered on the inside of the cheeks. This phenomenon with the presence of grains in children up to a year and older is a sure sign of stomatitis.

A thick, dense white coating on the child's tonguemay be a consequence of infectious diseases, such as influenza, scarlet fever and so on. With scarlet fever, only the first 3 days this film is kept, and then the tongue acquires a bright crimson color, and its papillae grow. At a virus flu the similar picture is observed. However, with flu and other infectious diseases, one can observe swelling of the tongue and red-crimson color. The language of this color can also be evidence of poisoning.

The location of the white plaque greatly helps the experienced pediatrician in setting the correct diagnosis. Let's consider some examples:

- if he concentrated on the edges and on the front of the tongue surface, then, most likely, it is a sign that the baby is not all right with the respiratory organs;
- if it is seen on the back of a third of the child's tongue, it is necessary to pay due attention to the capacity of the large intestine;
- if the white coating covers the middle part of the tongue, then most likely the child has a problem with the duodenum;
- if the baby has a whole surface of the tongue in such a film, it is possible to diagnose gastritis or dysbacteriosis;
- if the middle of the tongue is white and the tip is red, then you should check the acidity of the stomach.

A sign of a vitamin deficiency and a low level of hemoglobin in the child's body can be a "varnished", excessively smooth language with a pronounced white coating.

Dear parents! Remember that if you notice a white touch on the child's tongue, then do not rush to draw any conclusions, based only on the symptoms that were described above. It should be remembered that only the pediatrician, who has extensive work experience, is able to provide the correct diagnosis. Only a good specialist is able to prescribe the right treatment for your baby.

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