Chlamydia treatment and symptoms

Chlamydia - a source of severe complications in men and women

Chlamydia is a pathology that is initiatedmicroorganisms Chlamydia. There are many varieties of them, but only two of them - Chlamydia trachomatis and Chlamydia pneumoniae - are susceptible to humans. The danger of this infection is that in the absence of treatment or improper treatment, chlamydia gives serious complications: pelvic inflammatory disease in women, infertility, fetal infection., Miscarriages during pregnancy, chronic prostatitis and infertility in men.

Causes of Chlamydia

Chlamydia infection occurs most often in the sexualby way, although the household method can also take place, since these microorganisms remain viable in a humid environment at a temperature of plus 180 to 200.

This infection is often asymptomatic, the patient may not suspect her presence at home and do not go to the doctor.

  • Chlamydial intoxication in women is manifestedmucous, sometimes with an admixture of pus, yellowish discharge with an unpleasant odor. There is pain, itching, burning with urination, there may be an unplanned bleeding between menstruations, a slight increase in temperature and a slight weakness. Symptoms of chlamydia are similar to many diseases.
  • In men, the manifestations of chlamydia are generally similar tothose that are in women. This is also mild pain, itching and burning with urination, pus and blood in the urine, unpleasant, in this case, vitreous, discharge, a slight increase in body temperature. The main difference between male symptoms is urethritis, i.e. inflammation of the urethra, which can last several months and cause serious discomfort.

Diagnosis of chlamydia

Chlamydia is one of the most difficult to diagnosepathologies, since Chlamydia is an intracellular parasite. Therefore, microbiological and immunological methods are used for the diagnosis. To this end, the patient takes biological materials - mucus, secretions from the genital tract, sperm in men, cells of the diseased organ (scraping), amniotic fluid in pregnant women, blood, urine, etc.

Currently developed and appliedspecial laboratory techniques that allow to determine the presence of chlamydia in the patient's body: microscopic and enzyme immunoassay, Chlamydia culture, polymerase chain reaction and others.

Treatment of Chlamydia

In the event that laboratory testsconfirm a preliminary diagnosis, delivered by a doctor, treatment begins. It should be carried out exclusively according to the scheme and preparations prescribed by the doctor. Self-treatment of chlamydia is inadmissible, since it can translate the disease into a chronic stage, provoke various complications, turn a person into a carrier of a dangerous infection. It is necessarily simultaneous treatment of sexual partners.

Treatment of chlamydia with modern drugs,introduced into clinical practice in the 2000s, takes 2-3 weeks. It is carried out by antibiotics that can penetrate inside the cell. Additional therapy is performed by antifungal, antimicrobial (if inflammation occurs) drugs and immunomodulators. The success of treatment depends on what stage of the disease a person has turned to a doctor, what is the general state of his health and how accurately he follows all medical instructions.

Where to cure chlamydia

Treatment of this disease should begin withaccurate diagnosis, so you must first contact the clinic, which has a good modern laboratory. The experience and qualifications of doctors are of no small importance. Among the best medical centers that fully meet the requirements adopted in European medical practice, a network of NEARMEDIC clinics can be distinguished. Turning there, you are guaranteed to receive quality treatment. What is important, prices for tests and doctors in clinics NEARMEDIC are quite affordable.

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