Instructions for the use of activated carbon: the main points

Among a huge number of different medicationsthere are also those that work great, helping the body cope with a particular problem. And plus them is also a small cost. To such preparations it is possible to carry the activated coal.

instruction on the use of activated carbon

What it is?

Instructions for the use of activated carbonsays that this drug is an enterosorbent, which must be used to purify the body of toxins, toxins and even allergens. He works on the principle of absorbing unnecessary substances, blocking their assimilation by the body. That's why this drug is so loved by women who want to lose weight, because it can also interfere with the absorption of calories that enter the body with food.

children can activate charcoal

So, when is it necessary to take thismedication? Instructions for the use of activated carbon allocates quite a lot of sub-items. These are various sources of intoxication (flatulence, diarrhea, fermentation processes, etc.), all kinds of poisoning (drugs, heavy metals, poor-quality food, alcohol and even narcotic substances), intestinal infections (eg salmonellosis), metabolic disorders, acute chronic hepatitis and other liver diseases. Also, these pills are taken if you need to cope with allergic reactions (but here the drug is taken with other medications), if you need to prepare for the study of the intestine and even if you want to lose weight.


Instructions for the use of activated carbonhas also a sub-item that tells you when you should not be treated with this medication. Do not prescribe it, if a person has gastric ulcers, there are gastrointestinal bleeding. And, of course, if the patient has an intolerance to this drug.

Side effects

The action of activated carbon also hascertain side effects, which, however, are extremely rare. It can be constipation, diarrhea and dyspepsia (painful gastric digestion of food). With long-term use of the drug may cause allergies, as well as problems with the absorption of vitamins, microelements and hormones by the body.

effect of activated carbon

Rules of admission

How to correctly take this drugmeans? Instructions for the use of activated carbon says that you need to do this an hour before meals or immediately after eating. As for the number of tablets, it can vary. The daily dose of taking the drug - 100-200 mg per 10 kg of weight (one tablet - 250 mg). On average, adults are prescribed to drink two tablets three times a day. The duration of treatment may also vary, but almost always it does not go beyond 3-14 days. If a person is poisoned, the daily dose may be slightly increased. You can take 3-4 tablets at a time. It is worth recalling that daily for a long time to apply the drug is strictly prohibited, because in most cases this leads to the development of avitaminosis.

Children and other special cases

Mothers may have the following question: "Can children get activated charcoal?" Can. However, they give it mainly for poisoning. A single dose for a small child is half a tablet, for children of school age there is one pill. It should be noted that crumbs can be diluted with water and given in the form of a suspension. With lactation and pregnancy, there is no need to prohibit this medication, because it does not do any harm to the fetus or the baby.

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