Characteristics and application of the drug ASD-2

With the aim of normalizing metabolic processes inthe modern medicine uses different pharmacological agents that restore the vital functions of the body, optimize metabolism, affect the endocrine and nervous systems. Among biologically active preparations, tissue preparations take a special place. The founder of tissue therapy is VP Filatov, who claimed that in substances separated from the body under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors, substances that stimulate biological processes in them and promote tissue adaptation to these conditions are formed. Important properties of tissue preparations are that they do not exhibit side effects on the body, they do not have anaphylactogenic properties, do not cause allergic reactions, addiction and sensitization to medicinal substances, they are not cumulated in the body, nor do they have a carcinogenic effect.

Biogenic stimulators of plant originact on the body of animals and humans, while biogenic stimulators of animal origin - on plant organisms. When introduced into the body, tissue preparations activate metabolism, the processes of transportation of amino acids, their inclusion in the proteins of the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs, the synthesis of nucleic acids and protein, especially globulins. They also activate hematopoiesis, increase the activity of enzymes, normalize lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, inhibit the occurrence of spontaneous neoplasms, reduce the severity of stress injuries of the body and tissues.

To the tissue preparations is also an antisepticstimulator Dorogova (ASD 2). The composition of the drug includes salts of ammonium acetate and carbonate, ammonium salts and amides of low molecular weight carboxylic acids, choline and choline esters, amino and sulfhydryl groups, amines, and water - no more than 75%.

ASD 2 does not provide cumulative and toxicaction on the body. It improves the digestive system, normalizes the secretory and motor activity of the digestive canal. The antiseptic stimulator Dorogova has antiseptic properties, activates the enzymatic activity (alkaline phosphatase, ribonuclease, catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, adenosine triphosphatase, etc.).

ASD 2: instructions for use

To date, the antiseptic stimulant Dorogova is widelyis used in veterinary medicine for the treatment and prevention of diseases of agricultural and domestic animals. Positive results were obtained in the treatment of diseases associated with metabolic disorders, dysfunctional urogenital (cystitis, urethritis, vaginitis, endometritis, miometritis, pyometritis), respiratory (bronchitis, pneumonia), digestive disorders (dyspepsia, meteorism, tympania, gastroenteritis, meteorism).

ASD-2 is an immunomodulator, that isincreases the natural resistance in weakened and ill animals. Antiseptic stimulant Dorogova is used orally together with water or mixed fodder. In diseases of the skin (necrobacteriosis, eczema, dermatitis), the biostimulator is applied externally in the form of 20% solutions, which are prepared on an isotonic solution of NaCl or boiled water. The solution is prepared by observing aseptic rules.

When using the drug ASD-2, no contraindications were found. When working with this nutrient, rubber gloves are used. Shelf life of the drug is two years.

ASD-2 is also used in humane medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis, brucellosis, lupus, skin, gynecological, eye diseases.

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